New stats seem way too high
I posted this in the Stats Overhaul Beta thread, but got no replies for three days, so I'm trying it in a new thread.
I love the new stats, but I simply can't believe the numbers I've been seeing this month. I'll use today (2/23) as an example. Currently, at 9:32 PM PST, the stats show 5633 total hits for all of my galleries. I'd love to believe that number, but if I drill down, two photos in one gallery show well over 4,000 of those hits, and those two photos are near the bottom of today's Daily popular list, as in 521 of 563. So those two got over 4,000 views and maybe two or three thumbs up? Hmmmm. Those same two photos also got zero comments today. Again, very strange.
Meanwhile Google Analytics shows 19 visits and 335 pageviews for the day. That's different by an order of magnitude! Right-click is turned off, as is external linking. I can't for the life of me see a way that these numbers are correct. Is anyone else seeing spikes like this? You can see from the screenshot below that there was a similar spike on the 10th of this month, with over 6,000 views, while the rest of the month looks to be averaging around 1,000 views per day.

Thanks for any suggestions,
I love the new stats, but I simply can't believe the numbers I've been seeing this month. I'll use today (2/23) as an example. Currently, at 9:32 PM PST, the stats show 5633 total hits for all of my galleries. I'd love to believe that number, but if I drill down, two photos in one gallery show well over 4,000 of those hits, and those two photos are near the bottom of today's Daily popular list, as in 521 of 563. So those two got over 4,000 views and maybe two or three thumbs up? Hmmmm. Those same two photos also got zero comments today. Again, very strange.
Meanwhile Google Analytics shows 19 visits and 335 pageviews for the day. That's different by an order of magnitude! Right-click is turned off, as is external linking. I can't for the life of me see a way that these numbers are correct. Is anyone else seeing spikes like this? You can see from the screenshot below that there was a similar spike on the 10th of this month, with over 6,000 views, while the rest of the month looks to be averaging around 1,000 views per day.

Thanks for any suggestions,
This is Brad Clawsie, the developer working on the new stats service.
Thanks for your note, and sorry that we seemed to have left you hanging in dgrin waiting for an answer.
Looking at the stats for your galleries, I see we have essentially the same data in our "old" (existing) stats page as on our new page for hits on your most popular galleries. That says to me that if there is an issue here, it may be with our methods for stats *collection* as opposed to anything I may be doing on the new stats site to arrange and display the data.
We'll be rolling out information for referrers (how people got to these pictures) in the next little while on the new stats service so you can get a better idea for yourself where these hits are coming from.
As to your present issue, I can't provide a definitive answer as to potential errors in the stats. I will incorporate your statistics into my tests from this point forward so I can provide a tighter assurance to you that the data is valid. I'm sorry I can't provide a more definitive answer.
Please feel free to contact me directly at if there is anything I can do to help.