Best way to sell old system

I have a '70's era Nikon F2 (plus the following Nikkor lenses: 24, 35, 55macro, 85, 135) which I need to sell to support my growing digital habit!
Is it best to sell all individually? I'd love to sell all at once but am guessing that would make it more difficult.
Is it best to sell all individually? I'd love to sell all at once but am guessing that would make it more difficult.
Nikon D700 | D300 | D80 | SB-800(x2) | SB-600(x2)
Nikkor Lenses: 14-24 f/2.8 | 24-70 f/2.8 | 50 f/1.8 | 85 f/1.4 | 70-200 f/2.8 VR II | 70-300 VR
Advertise on Craigs List. I have sold a lot of equipment on there, quickly.
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Private party - 2 - private party always gets the best price.
My experience:
Fast lenses in top condition still bring decent money. Camera bodies, unless they are something special, are not great sellers from a price standpoint. Example: Nikon F3HP with a 35-105mm and motordrive, all in near new condition brought $275. Very sad, not for the price but that such wonderful equipment brings so little.
I do think that from a strategy standpoint that it's better to sell stuff of individually or group things in a way that gets dollars without limiting the potential buyers. There may be some part in a kit that a guy wants and would pay top dollar for but he won't pay any extra for all the other stuff so he doesn't buy at all. The problem with selling stuff individually is that you're stuck with handling a number of seperate transactions and making several trips to the post office. Then of course there is the fun of dealing through Ebay... :puke1
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