Post Dogs Of Summer/August

My dogs need attention................ I know 4 labs and his dogs have been enjoying the summer, while I have spent my summer mostly with birds.
Here are some shots from yesterday morning. I hope you all add to the thread. I am going to as I work up shots. That is time consuming. The above shot is my favorite so far of the Corgis, Skye and Merry Chapel, from yesteray, August 4, 2005.
Remember my Yorkie Katie, I killed her and brought her back to life. She was actually afraid to go with me yesterday, so she must have some memory. Yet, I have never seen her so active and happy as she is in the next shot. I have two good ones of her.

I really do need to trim her hair, but in the next shot with the sun off of it, it might be considered an asset. IMO

The Corgis might be considered the terrors of the beach, as they like to "herd" other dogs, big ones in particular. Originally they were bred to herd cattle, and it shows. I could control them better, but my instincts as a photographer, well, I just want the photo first. They never hurt anyone/thing, that is not their goal. In the next photo, it looks like they have met their match.

Turtle Nest: you can't see it, but it is marked. I have read of the "turtle ladies", particularly the ones on this island and the next one over. They mark the nests, make sure that they have done everything to make sure the baby turtles can hatch and get to the ocean safely. I was surprised to see "fiction" come alive in this marked area when I got to the beach.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Your Corgis sure look happy in the water, I sure would be. I don't have a dog but a lot of my friends do, I'll see what I can come up with.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Hard to say if Charlie is enjoying the summer he always looks sad.
If you don't have a dog, perhaps a cat, people seem to have pet frogs, whatever. A summer pet.............
My dogs were more settled last night than they have been in a long time. I think it was the time outside running and the time with me.
ginger (Thanks for looking, commenting, and anything you can drag up is fine: a stuffed animal ...............):D
I think Charlie is happy, or as happy as he can be in the "dog" days of summer.
Lucky them, you put in a pool for their happiness.
Thanks for commenting and adding. I love that photo of Charlie. Kind of different than your other dog photos. Of course, then, that is Charlie. You just "caught" him on your d film.:D
and these are no exceptions.
I have but one complaint
Anywho these are great G
My Galleries
By us in Chicago you have to buy a permit to go to the county run dog parks and beach :bs .
Good Luck
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
And, now, you have to pay $25.00 per dog for a license in order for them to set foot on that island. That was $75.00 for my three. And to get the license, the dogs have to prove rabies shots: couldn't get the cheap ones, as the timing was wrong. It cost me a bundle, basically, to get my dogs set to run on that beach.
And it is only between 5 AM and 10 AM. I am still waiting for someone to ask to see the license. It is the least they could do.
At the park, about 1/2 hr away, or less, depending on traffic, there is a nice area for them to run free. It is a county park, $1.00 per person admission. I have an annual pass, but my husband lost the car sticker so I have to pay more now to replace the sticker, or pay the $1.00 which is not much considering. It is a great park. Open til 8:00 PM, wonderful, on a lake, the dog part is. Huge, not crowded. But it is further away. So one is across town and the other is the beach, early AM. But it is more than we used to have. The danger is that we will lose the beach area. That keeps getting more and more restricted. The people who do not want dogs running seem to always prevail. Makes me furious. I have no say, I don't live on the islands.
There will be more and more dog parks as time goes by, in general. Some better than others. That is the trend in the USA. Maybe the world. Dogs have suddenly become big business. But the people who are moving to the beach in droves, they are upscale and will try to keep the dogs off there, and I think, in general, they will prevail there.
ginger, smile.
We are in winter now, I'll try to post a summer-dog. These are two of my dogs on Seaford Beach near Melbourne. First time either of them had seen a beach, they were a bit unsure of this wet stuff.
Being my first upload, I was a bit nervous. Ginger it is a joy to see more of your Katie after her near miss, she looks full of the joy of life too.
Piper is a rotti or a rottweiler mix, and Rheneas is possibly a Pom and Border Collie mix. Both rescue dogs so we'll never know. My other little guy is Frodo, also a rescue dog, probably a poodle-terrier-cavalier king charles mix but we are open to suggestions. Piper and Rheneas just swan about, but Frodo is a sports dog, here he is at a Flyball competition.
Fourlabs your dogs are the greatest, they are so photogenic it's not fair.
All you need to do is add a cape and you have "Super Frodo"
I liked the other shots of your dogs on your site also. Keep up the good posts!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
That is a gorgeous dog! A movie type mix!
Thanks for remembering Katie,
That is a gorgeous photo of her with the flowers and all. As someone pointed out, it is a great perspective.
ginger, love it!
Yes, that is a very mucky mudhole they've just come out of... and,
Such a pretty girl with flowers in her hair!
Magic. Synchronised shaking. Is this a dog-sport I haven't heard about?
And her buddy.....big bro'........Zig.......aka....Ziggy.....Zigmon.........officially Bluegrass Zigmon Void
Nikon D50
Nikon 18-55mm DX
Sigma 70-300mm DL
Manfrotto 390
Lowerpro Orion trecker II
Hunter is glad the walk is over...
Yiikes, it's to darn hot man!
He says, it is definately time to head back to the couch!
Lindsay Thompson