Fast Cars
These were taken at the Goodwood festival of speed this year using the fuji s7000. Its the first time I've tried to capture these kind of shots by panning with the car to get some blurring in the background and keeping as much as the car in focus.





Yep, Goodwood, it was a really good event this year. I would recommend it to anyone.
These were the best results from about 25 attempts!!! Many of them deleted straight away. I found it easier to shoot in continuous mode too.
Can you give us exposure details? Are you shooting in shutter speed priority? What speed?
Anyone know of of a good online tutorial for panning?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Thank you.
I shot in shutter priority at 1/80 f5.6.
I read some brief instructions from a magazine on this, basically it works better if you position parallel to the car as in pic 1 & 3. I pre-focused on the area and waited for the cars to come along. these were the next best from the attempts, not Quite so sharp: