Something wrong with Smugmug tonight?
Ive spent the last few hours trying to upload a few dozen photos. Im having huge trouble both with Star Explorer and the Smugmug uploader. I need to try time after time, and still not all photos are uploaded. Even when photos are uploaded (Smugmug loader says upload is complete), it can be over an hour before they appear in their gallery. Is everyone having this problem?
And for the future, where does Smugmug post announcements when it is having problems on their side?
And for the future, where does Smugmug post announcements when it is having problems on their side?
I was wondering the same thing. I was trying to upload one file, and it took a few tries before the basic uploader would let me. Then when I went to my site, it gave an error message and the image I just uploaded would not load on my blog.
But as I type this, both are working now. Hopefully it was just a slight hickhup that wont come back.
Very frustrating. Not sure if there is anyplace where we are made aware that they are having problems, but its been a big waste of time tonight.
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RPC-XML: wrong format (Byte Count given xxxxxx, received yyyyyy).....
where x and y are different.
I know this isnt the support for Starexplorer, but I am also having difficulties with the Smugmug uploaders (though not sure where to get the error message for them). So I think its something beyond just StarExplorer.
For example, in the basic Smugmug 'Files and Folder' uploader the first three files all get stuck on verify.
Try to disable it and see if the problem goes away..
And thanks to Smugmug support. They solved the problem in about 20 minutes. I cant remember the last time that happened to me, when a company's paid support was more responsive then its user forums (no complaint about the forums). Ive gotten so used to other companies treating their help@ email address as spam folders.
Yup - our OFFICIAL support is our help desk where we answer emails fast, friendly, and accurately 365 days a year. We only close for a few hours in the wee hours of morning, SmugMug time.
Dgrin Support forum is a community forum, also monitored by our Support Heroes, but we have no time promise here on Dgrin - though responses can often come very fast
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Success Coach, Motivational Speaker, Professional Photographer
"Enriching Lives through Images and Inspiration"