Buffalo Bills training camp, first attempt at sports pictures, what do you think? Is there a way to blurr the backround? I'm going to camp again monday morning...any tips???:dunno 

I hope this helps. If someone else here has a better and simpler explanation than that, great. I get it, and understand it. I just can't teach it very well.
Lindsay Thompson
TML Photography
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
DOF (Depth Of Field), exposure is also something to work on. The white
jersey and tent fool the meter and make exposure of dark shorts/skin
difficult. To compensate, you might want to adjust exposure compensation
or shoot manually (use settings from grey card).
If you can, try and include a face and a ball in the shot. In the second
shot, you've got a tight crop going and as such, the shot doesn't really
convey what's happening (is he signing autographs or taking direction from
the coach?). The fourth shot shows nice action.
Lastly, watch your backgrounds. This can be difficult when you have limited
access. DOF can help here too--by blurring the background. In the second
shot, you've got a camera lens at the left shoulder and a videographer on
the right. In the third, the catch is obscurred by the two guys in the background.
Again, DOF can help in this instance.
Exposure compensation, depth of field and composition will help you get
those great shots.
Look forward to seeing more shots from training camp.