#45 - Some ideas

I'm still traveling with lots of photographic opportunities and got some shots for this challenge:
#1 Two cultures (Panajachel, Guatemala)

#2 Sharing the morning news (Panajachel, Guatemala)

#3 Yogurt (Comiten, Mexico)

#4 Childhood (Comiten, Mexico)

#5 In the kitchen (Comiten, Mexico)

#6 Basket of strawberries

#7 Don't drive a red car in Mexico

#8 Coming back from school (Small village in Mexico)

#9 Old door

#10 Mexico, a relaxing place (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

#11 Freedom (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

#12 Kids and birds (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

#13 Hi there,... (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

Please tell me what you think. Thank you,
#1 Two cultures (Panajachel, Guatemala)

#2 Sharing the morning news (Panajachel, Guatemala)

#3 Yogurt (Comiten, Mexico)

#4 Childhood (Comiten, Mexico)

#5 In the kitchen (Comiten, Mexico)

#6 Basket of strawberries

#7 Don't drive a red car in Mexico

#8 Coming back from school (Small village in Mexico)

#9 Old door

#10 Mexico, a relaxing place (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

#11 Freedom (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

#12 Kids and birds (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

#13 Hi there,... (San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico)

Please tell me what you think. Thank you,
Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera
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For the challenge, I would recommend #1 or #11 as being strongest on the theme. Between the two, #11 just is an incredible capture -- composition, colors, timing...
And your caption in #7 cracks me up
Thanks for sharing this wonderful group of photos.
Ok for me the following works for the challenge:
1, 2, 11 and 12, with 11 being my favorite
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
All are very nice.
Happy travels,
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
I also like the pairs of school children.
I agree that the monochrome in #1 is a tad dramatic given that it includes everything to the left of the kerb line but it does make a statement, I wonder if you could just desat the woman so as to show her as a pale "interloper" into this colourful culture?
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
I totally agree with the comments: #1 is a little too busy, and the bird in #11 is distracting - I thought
about this from the beginning, but I just wanted other's opinions.
I have some more shots for the theme:
#14 Family (not sure about the title)
#15 Not alone
# 16 Chiapas' Eyes
Please tell me what you think. Thank you,
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What if you only colored the curb in the first one? I really like that division, and get the color the the girl is so rich, but it would be interesting to see also...
again i love them all!
Fantastic idea - Thank you so much Trish, I'll try it
I actually uploaded already another one to the challenge and I'm starting a new thread on it
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It's better than your monkey shot, IMO.
Thank you so much Linda, I always appreciate and trust your judgement
I like best #12 too as image, but I was not sure if it's strong enough for the theme
and also about the title...
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"Go away from us!" ?
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Hmm - tough decision
I agree that the group of youngsters running, convey better the idea of "together", especially
- maybe - if I name it "We're free and happy" (?)
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