Odd Photoshop file behavior...I think?
Okay, so while I have used Photoshop for a few years now, It was all self taught-which for PSP can be brutal. Anyway I just started saving my 'master' files in PSD format, where as I would normally do a 16 bit TIFF. But after saving my photos (as a PSD, TIFF and JPG versions) the folder where they reside had exact duplicates of the same exact file. One the original and the next the same file name with the #2 at the end. i.e.
This also happens for any TIFF or JPEG. Anyone know why its doing this? What am I doing wrong. Thats wasting a lot of space.
Another oddity (and its probably me) is when I open a PSD with layers and try to make any quick changes before printing. If I want to change Levels for instance, I can't! Ever heard of this?
This also happens for any TIFF or JPEG. Anyone know why its doing this? What am I doing wrong. Thats wasting a lot of space.
Another oddity (and its probably me) is when I open a PSD with layers and try to make any quick changes before printing. If I want to change Levels for instance, I can't! Ever heard of this?
Yes, this does sound odd, but I think we need a little more information about your workflow. Tell us step-by-step what you are doing starting from the camera and ending up with the duplicate files.
This could happen if you try to select the Levels command but something like an adjustment layer is selected, or no layer is selected. Verify that the image layer you actually want to adjust is selected in the Layers palette before continuing.