Found: Owner's Manual - EOS 30D
I am looking for the original owners manual for a Canon 30D. Please let me know if you have one that I can take off your hands. (I do not want one on CD or a photocopied version.) Thank you!
Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. - George Bernard Shaw
No, I have not done that, but I will now. Thanks for the suggestion, I had assumed they would try to send me a PDF version.
(Still happy to purchase a copy from someone here as well......)
If you're in the U.S., the contact number is:
I just got off the phone with Canon and what they offer is a photocopied version of the 30D manual on 8 1/2 X 11" paper. 4-6 weeks for delivery of said photocopies as well....
I went ahead and told her to send me that version - but I would like to continue the search for the actual manual in bound format.
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Are you telling me here to use Google to find a manual?
Thanks for the reply, but that does not get me a bound, original 30D manual.....I need to find someone that has an original in hand and purchase it from them. I want this for a number of reasons not the least of which is so that when I sell the body it can go with it....
I may have a copy of the PDF somewhere, if you cannot find it from Canon.
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Yeah - Canon is sending me a photo-copied version. But I want the original as well if I can find it....
Bravo and thank you Canon! (I was very cordial with the lady that took my call, I think that she hooked me up somehow!) Pays to be nice to people on the phone I guess.
I suspect a lot of folks who answer phones all day get bored with it or fed up with people who treat them badly. A caller who is pleasant and upbeat may get a more positive response.
Glad to hear you got what you wanted!