DSS #45: CC for "Countdown"

Upon several ideas I had for this week's challenge, I chose one in which I utilized a Speedlite strobe to take multiple exposures during a 168 second exposure. Two bursts of hard flash on the left and right sides of the subject + 1 pop of red on 3 + 1 pop of blue on 2. Thereby forming an image of a subject 'counting down' from 3 to 1. I covered the subject in a black velvet drape during the '3' and '2' pops, to make sure the body doesn't get exposed until the the final L + R pops, where it was dropped...it was a complicated procedure :rofl.
However, I'd like to see what you guys think in regards to cropping (vertical or horizontal) and perhaps subduing some of the color by desaturating the image by a minute amount.

Anyway, lmk what you guys think. Thanks!
However, I'd like to see what you guys think in regards to cropping (vertical or horizontal) and perhaps subduing some of the color by desaturating the image by a minute amount.

Anyway, lmk what you guys think. Thanks!
Double check on it though just in case.
You asked about the crop--I would crop some of the darker side out so the image is not so centered--but that's my 2 cents.
— Kevin
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Thank you both for the education---
Now I know
Still a cool shot.
Kev- I took this week's challenge idea very broadly. The way I apply it to my image is in the way it was composed; that its apart in the case that the figures in the image was taken separately over a time period, and that it is together that it although the image was separated over a time period in sequence, in the end, the image is still together, that it continues to flow. Actually, I was hoping that I could show more than one person in the image counting down but that proved to be more difficult to show cleanly, so the hands moving together to show a flow of 3-2-1 made more sense. Hope that cleared things up.
Thank you everyone for the comments and ideas!!
This was a lot of fun to make. With all the great images already turned in, I'm eager to see the last-minute turnout for this week's challenge!
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