Camera Info Customization
Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
If the "Camera Info" option is turned on, is there a way to select the info elements to be displayed when a user clicks the "Photo Info" icon? e.g. hide the "Date Modified" or "Camera" field.
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I'd try something like this (but I have no idea if it will work):
It works if I edit the element directly (via the inspector tools in Chrome), but no idea if it will apply correctly otherwise.
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
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I really am frustrated I cannot hide the date modified. It's not really anyone's business when I modify photos. I would prefer not to show date taken either, but when I open a RAW file and post process it, the time I save the TIFF file will be captured as the date modified.
Not to nit-pick, but how large the file size is and the name of the file are also not really necessary. These just detract from useful metadata (camera body, lens, focal length, iso, aperture, dimensions).
The date modified is a major concern, I have to disable all photo information just to hide this one field. Not good. Hard to believe this has not been improved in a year.
Very happy with SM otherwise! So keep up my high expectations .
Hi, just adding this CSS to your advanced customizing page will do the trick
.photoInfo #DateTime {display: none !important;}
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But to be certain, someone can bypass this from their browser if they have CSS developer tools, correct?
If so, I would still want a more robust way to hide the data.