SOLD: Canon 1D Mark IIn

Canon 1D MKIIn for sale, $1300. This baby is cherry– less than 36,000 shutter acutations on a shutter with a 200K life! Includes spare OEM battery ($109 value), a RRS L-plate ($183 value), and all software, manuals, cables, the original strap (unused), charger etc and even the original box the camera came in. The camera has been meticulously cared for by me– the original owner.
More info and pics on my BLOG
** SOLD **
Just thought I'd chime in to say what an exquisite camera this is and that mine went 250k before shutter replacement.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Jack is right! The 1D MKII N is amazing and this one is in absolutely awesome condition. BH sells 'em used for this same price without the spare battery or RSS L-plate, and I promise, the used IIn's there have been worked a lot harder than this one!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Price dropped to $1250. Credit card payments require a $50 processing fee for a total purchase price of $1300 plus shipping.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Cincinnati Smug Leader
Or spend the money on this camera! Hey Eclipsed, all due respect, but why are you trying to tell someone not to buy the camera I have for sale?
Gadget Rick -- this camera is AWESOME for sports. Blazing fast and accurate AF and simply amazing handling. Comparing a 50D to a Canon 1D series body is like comparing a Honda to a Porsche. Yeah, they'll both get you to the beach, but one is going to handle quite a bit better than the other. The MKIIn is also a 1.3 crop so it works better for wide angle shots than your 50D.
I've owned a 10D, two 20D's, a 5D, a 5DMKII, and the 1DMKIIn. I also was issued a 40D for a photojournalism job I had once. The 1DMKIIn is simply the best handling and shooting camera I've ever used. It's tough to describe but it just feels right in the hand and is blazing fast. It's weather sealed and clearly designed for daily professional use. I actually used to use it over the 40D when I had a chance for photojournalism because it's auto-focus was so amazing and accurate.
Just my two cents -- I'd actually prefer to keep this 1DIIn but I have two other bodies at the moment and I'm mostly shooting commercial work these days where resolution is more important than handling. I also don't have a laptop with firewire and I'm shooting 90-percent of my work tethered to a laptop (the 1DMKIIn needs a firewire connection to shoot tethered).
EDIT: I have plenty of 16"x24" gallery landscape prints on my walls from (gasp) 8.2 MP cameras (both the 20D and the MKIIn). So don't let the resolution dissuade you. How often do you print bigger than that?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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HEY.......Eclipsed............I'll stand behind DOGWOOD here as well...........
Not only is it RUDE to make the type of comment you made here in HIS for sale post.....but it truly must be a comment of ignorance
I own the same body......I shoot motorsports!!! and find it to be the best there is in its class......and I get SHARP images even at 32x48!!! As stated, super fast build of any body.......and on top of that, if I was offered to choose between a 50D and the MKIIn.....the 50D wouldn't even register as a consideration. may offer a higher resolution than that of the MKIIn....but the 50D will never muster the speed or ability to grab the shot like a pro body does.
If that was the'd only see Rebels on the sidelines
Please practice better forum posting rules within someone elses post....and at least research you subject better.
gadgetrick.......if you have any feelings about entering into seriously into a pro body....this is one to get..........I LOVE MINE
Great camera and a great price.....period.
My apologies.
Good luck selling it. Use the money for a psych eval because I could never let mine go (Joking....):ivar
The camera also works extremely well in low light, holding focus beyond other cameras' abilities.
I too have 30" x 20" prints made with 8 MPixel cameras that look great, and with current RAW converters the dynamic range has actually increased a bit over when the camera was new (when you shoot in RAW and use a modern RAW converter.)
I still use a pair of 1D MKII for wedding ceremony shots without flash. The ability of the camera to function well in normal church lighting without flash is a great benefit.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Appreciate the props Ziggy but the MKIIN is a 1.3 crop -- not full-frame. Don't want to mislead anyone.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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True. I should have typed, "... full, frame-rate of 8.5 ...".
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Camera is now sold
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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