Move to Gallery Collects Photo instead

I MOVED some photos from the email upload gallery to another gallery.
Tools > Many Photos > Move to Gallery (5 photos)
All photos are still shown in Email gallery with a note under each photo,
"See photo in original gallery." The photos did show up in the new (existing
gallery) gallery I supposedly MOVED them to.
I made a 2nd copy of one "moved" photo in its new gallery, then went to
email gallery and "Tools > Delete" and deleted the "virtual copy". Tried twice
but it will not delete.
Last five in gallery.
I have not ever checked this in the email gallery or anywhere else.
Rules: Make This Gallery Smart
So I guess the gallery is still acting very stupid.
EDit: went to edit caption/keyword bulk in "moved to" gallery and noticed
the original photo has disappeared. Glad I made a 2nd copy before deleting
in the email gallery. But the original?? upload photo is still in the email gallery
points to this one now.
Tools > Many Photos > Move to Gallery (5 photos)
All photos are still shown in Email gallery with a note under each photo,
"See photo in original gallery." The photos did show up in the new (existing
gallery) gallery I supposedly MOVED them to.
I made a 2nd copy of one "moved" photo in its new gallery, then went to
email gallery and "Tools > Delete" and deleted the "virtual copy". Tried twice
but it will not delete.
Last five in gallery.
I have not ever checked this in the email gallery or anywhere else.
Rules: Make This Gallery Smart
So I guess the gallery is still acting very stupid.

EDit: went to edit caption/keyword bulk in "moved to" gallery and noticed
the original photo has disappeared. Glad I made a 2nd copy before deleting
in the email gallery. But the original?? upload photo is still in the email gallery
points to this one now.
Do you want me to try and clear them out of the 'email' gallery for you?
I've tried to replicate on my site and so far can't get it to break.
gallery. Tools > Many Photos > Move to gallery
But all five were left behind in the email gallery as virtual copies with this
under each photo.
See photo in original gallery.
I have not toggle/clicked/set smart galleries anywhere on the site.
I tried this. In order to not lose the photo I made a 2nd copy of the 1st one
in the "moved to" gallery after "moving" all five. Then deleted it (virtual
copy) in the email gallery. In the email gallery for the deleted "virtual"
photo it shows a line for the thumb and blank photo. I need all five
removed from the email gallery.
Two issues:
Can not delete the unwanted "virtual" ones in email gallery.
Why is it leaving behind the "virtual" copies?
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Here are the links to where the images are now located:
As for why it's happening, I'm not sure at this time.
I'll be trying to replicate on my site and I'll pass it over to Doc to look at too.
Oops. look at the exif data of the 1st two (same photo) in the gallery. The 2nd copy (see caption)
is missing some of the original data. Another not a good thing.
2nd copy missing dates.
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I've heard this complaint before and I tested it just now. For me it was the values "Date modified" and "Date taken" that disappeared.
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
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I am sorry about the missing exif data. That is a known bug and it is on the list to be fixed.
For the virtual copies being created, I am not sure what is causing that. I have been testing this morning and I cannot replicate it yet. The copies do look like Collected, or Smart Galleries created them. But I believe you when you say that you did not do that.
I will keep digging. One thing for clarification, are you creating a new gallery when moving or an existing? I tried both both but I want to make sure I am copying your steps exactly.
even uploaded a couple photos to the new gallery also before the "move".
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Just an update. I am still not able to replicate the virtual copy creation. But I am still trying to figure out what is causing it.