Tara...red hair blue eyes, worth a look.
Portrait shoot with Tara yesterday. I shot her a couple years ago when I was just learning to shoot people, they came out pretty good. I wanted to shoot her again to see how different they would look.
It was an interesting experiment and we got some really nice shots...as you can see it is pretty hard to take a bad photo the girl...
Link to the gallery if you have an interest in seeing it:
Gallery is mixed natural light and flash the one below is natural light with the 85mm 1/4.
It was an interesting experiment and we got some really nice shots...as you can see it is pretty hard to take a bad photo the girl...
Link to the gallery if you have an interest in seeing it:
Gallery is mixed natural light and flash the one below is natural light with the 85mm 1/4.

Nicely done!
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Newest baby: R.Gonzalez PHOTOGRAPHY or HERE
My rambling addiction: Crunchy Monkeys
facebook fan page: R.Gonzalez photography
Link to my Smugmug site
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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The best models I have worked with have great expressions and can pose, looks are a lower priority that those to me.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
Thanks Quarik, yes the 85 is right up there with my 70-200 and gaining ground fast...now that I have figured out to maintain focus with it.
Thanks Darren Missb and Captain and Eos jd, appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment.
Thanks kdog, a lot are natural light, for flash I used an sb800 shooting through a softbox and sometimes a handheld sb800 for back light or for main if I wanted a shadow.
Thanks for having a look dogwood, no worries, we all look at things from our own perspectives. What is important to me might not be important to use and vice versa.
Hi Scott, I appreciate you having a look at the set and that you were able to find 1 that you liked
I don't believe I labeled anything "model". She sells mortgages and is a dancer. As it is probably 80 percent of the poses were mine.
She actually did amazingly well. We were right in the middle of downtown and there were a lot of people standing around watching, she just sailed along like they weren't even there.
I looked at your profile to find your website to see some examples of "best models I have worked with have great expresssions and can pose" that you were talking about but could not find anything.
Please feel free to post some examples right here in this thread if you like, I always enjoy seeing great models that can pose.
I would remove the shadow on her leg in 28...when I first saw it, I thought it looked a little strange, like a muscular leg...but then I figured out that it was a shadow.
She also has a white blotch on her upper arm in one of the shots...I'd get rid of that too.
And, while I'm no fashion designer...not a fan of the boots and the orange dress...I'm more of a high heals and orange dress kinda guy. And she looks like she's that kinda girl...lol...
My favorites are 16, 21, 40, 44...especially 44. She has a beautiful smile...she should smile more.
Good work...thanks for posting.
Educate yourself like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow.
my only thing is that i'm not a fan of the not smiling expression, but the ones where she is smiling are so much more beautiful. Anyway good stuff!
Appreciate you taking the time to comment.
She does have a beautiful smile...I usually prefer non smiling poses...
For me in a perfect world there are the small expressions, a crinkle at the corner of the eye, a glance out of the corner of the eye, a sly grin, a sparkle in the eye, these are what I look for. To me these are much more revealing of the personality than a smile....unless of course it is a REAL smile which can be easily detected recognized in the eyes...those real smiles are Money.
Hi Ed,
Thanks for stopping in.
Yeah the orange dress and cowboy boots were a surprise.
She said she was going to put on a dress...of course in my mind I envisioned one of those slinky black numbers with high heels....but being an Idaho girl and a lot of a tomboy actually...this was what she came out in.
Now a lot of girls could not have pulled this look off but I think she did pretty well with it....I was shooting her on that graffitti wall and the sun was peeking in and out so we were doing our best to dodge the shadows...sometimes not successfully.
I like her when she smiles.
I like her when she's not.
I can even appreciate some of the shots of her wearing the boots/dress combo.
Knowing this was done in full view of the general public, makes me appreciate them even more.
I think you captured her very well.
Yeah not to many girls could have pulled that shoot off with the crowd of people around watching.
You have it keyworded model on the gallery, so sorry for the assumption. You probably wouldn't find those shots on my site. I really need to update it and many of the best models I shot with I couldn't really post the images on the site in a public area. Not trying to be critical of your posing, but when people post they want feedback. #33 in the gallery just doesn't seem right, all the other images are good, but a slight tweaking of the pose a little could help. Hey I am my own harshest critique and rarely don't find a list of things about each shot I wish to improve upon. Now knowing the conditions makes me appreciate it a little more. On her though to me the expression like in #35 just isn't the best for her, #37 is a good non-smiling expression and tends to be more model like, models rarely smile. #42 is another good expression. It could be that is just her natural expression, and not knowing her and seeing her as much as you did I wouldn't know that, but would anybody else? You posted wanting feedback. Thanks for the feedback on my images, even though I didn't ask.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.