RSS feed using &Size=original produces bad url

XML produced is:
<media:text type="html">
<p><a href="<A href="">dsweet</a">">dsweet</a> </p><p><a href="" title="dsweet's photo"><img src="" width="" height="" alt="dsweet's photo" title="dsweet's photo" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" /></a></p>
Should be:
<media:text type="html">
<p><a href="<A href="">dsweet</a">">dsweet</a> </p><p><a href="" title="dsweet's photo"><img src="" width="" height="" alt="dsweet's photo" title="dsweet's photo" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" /></a></p>
<media:text type="html">
<p><a href="<A href="">dsweet</a">">dsweet</a> </p><p><a href="" title="dsweet's photo"><img src="" width="" height="" alt="dsweet's photo" title="dsweet's photo" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" /></a></p>
Should be:
<media:text type="html">
<p><a href="<A href="">dsweet</a">">dsweet</a> </p><p><a href="" title="dsweet's photo"><img src="" width="" height="" alt="dsweet's photo" title="dsweet's photo" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" /></a></p>
returns xml as it should, only the item/description node points to a file containing "-original.jpg" that does not exist, it should be "-O.jpg"
As a result when you subscribe to the feed in Internet Explorer, the images dont appear because the file at the "-original" url does not exist.
Try creating a feed using Internet explorer or firefox, be sure to use the "&ImageCount=1000&PageCount=1000&Size=original" options. You will see that the pictures are not displayed. If you right click and "view source", you can see the xml and the "-original.jpg" problem.