Lost Presets in CS3 and CS4

I have just changed computers from XP to Windows 7. I had Photoshop CS3 and CS4 with all the presets in ACR installed on XP and now I have installed CS3 and CS4 on Windows 7 I have lost all the presets. Can anyone please tell me how I go about restoring these.
Am I in the correct Forum asking this question?
I'm not sure of the wisdom the drives having them there instead of under the user space, but if you did a reformat of your disk, they'd be gone unless you made a backup copy of your whole image.
I did the Vista x64 -> Win7 x64 upgrade and didn't lose anything in the flow; don't know if that was even an option for going from XP.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Thanks Andrew I never thought about saving them. I am sure I used the presets I had on Lightroom a long time ago. Once again I vaguely remember downloading these free and entering thgem into CS3 and CS4 through programme files.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thanks for that Andrew I have had a look where you suggested. I have found the download I used and it was a free download of presets for Adobe LR 2 and CS3. I have tried to download it again and all I am gettingt is version 1 and version 2 in the presets section in ACR in CS3 which will not open. It obviously isn't compatible with Windows 7. If anyone can help here I would so much appreciate it.