There's a New Leader in Town!

Welp, fellow players, my tenure is nearing its end. After the end of Mega-Challenge #7, I will be stepping down and making way for a new creative force. I can't wait to see where he takes the challenges!
So please welcome sherstone as the new Challenges leader! :barb:barb:clap:clap:clap
Many of you know Sean from his long participation in the challenges, even back to the old LPS days. His images and creativity have always astounded and inspired me, and I'm excited that he'll be taking the reins going forward. I hope you're all excited, too!
Sean, it's all yours!
So please welcome sherstone as the new Challenges leader! :barb:barb:clap:clap:clap
Many of you know Sean from his long participation in the challenges, even back to the old LPS days. His images and creativity have always astounded and inspired me, and I'm excited that he'll be taking the reins going forward. I hope you're all excited, too!

Sean, it's all yours!

Sean, looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.
Sean, bring it on. Can't wait to see what themes you give us.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Welcome Sean, and congratulations.
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Thank you Kerry
and thank you Sean.
Sean, looking forward to how your creative leadership will continue to stretch and grow this community!
One thing's certain though, Sean has some nice heels to fill. :hide
Sean, I seem to remember you like brownies?
Kerry, thank you so much for all you've done for us this last year! You've pushed and inspired all of us as a moderator beyond our comfort zones, and I think will continue to do so once again as a competitor.
Sean, bring it on! If your previous entries are any indication of what we can expect from you as a moderator....holy cow! We're all in for an amazing ride! I can't wait!
Kerry, Thank You for all the "behind the scenes" work! also, I look forward to seeing your entries!!!
Since I joined less than a year ago, I've only known Kerry as the moderator I'm looking ofrward to seeing Kerry the Challenger! thanks for all of your very hard work so that we might play well!!:D
Sean will be great for this job. He was the first one to welcome me to DGrin and give me gentle advice! I feel like I have made strides since thanks for the nudge.
Looking forward to a great year!
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Look forward to Sean's reign of the kingdom.
I am sure that all I have learned and experienced knowing Kerry as a competitor and moderator has also been experienced by everyone here. I am also sure that your red tempered wit and Irish charm will be greatly missed within our midst. Please remember to try and pull yourself away from your new future adventures to come visit us often.
Thank you everyone for your warm welcomes. I take on this "challenge" with a little fear of the unknown but much excitement as well. As Kerry said I have been a long time participant in both DSS and LPS and have used each of them to push myself photographically, creatively and even spiritually. The act of going out and capturing the essence of an idea is something that I have always found very Zen like.
I hope that I will be able to now give back to Dgrin as a community and that my efforts will hopefully enable all of you to flourish in your photographic learning and creative skill building. I will do my best to "challenge" and maybe even push a few of you into that Zen like world that I love so much.
More info to come... but for now I will concentrate on riding out the last wave of creativity that Kerry has so graciously let loose in the Mega challenge.
Thank you Kerry!
Los Angeles dance photographer
I like brownies but they do NOT like me.
as I:buttkiss
Kerry, welcome back to us common folk... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Congrats, Sean, and thanks for stepping up to the challenge! (Bad pun alert. :hide )
I appreciate your time and efforts to be fair and helpful to all of us.
peace, gail
Congrates to Sherstone...Sean I am sure that you will come up with some great challenges and keep things running smoothly.
Sean, your work in the galleries will be sorely missed, but I look forward to seeing your vision for the challenges and getting back to shooting for them.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
A Big Welcome To Sean... Congratulations!
Congrats Sean - I have no doubt you will challenge everybody to the MAX - look forward to seeing what you come up with "on the other side of the table"!!!
Thank you, Kerry, for all of your hard work. Your dedication and efforts came at just the right time for the challenges and have helped them thrive.
And thank you, Sean, for agreeing to take over the helm.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
You're awesome and your work is inspiring.
Thank you!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Sean - wow...I can't wait to see where you take this!
Sean, congrats and I can't wait to see what suitably zen-like themes you find to challenge us with.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
And welcome Sean, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Sean are you really sure you want to do this...I mean I would like to change ______ (fill in the blank) and hey Sean you really sure you can't see my exif...
Best of luck to you Sean I couldn't think of a better person for Kerry to hand the reigns off to - look forward to you taking us in different directions. :lurk
- I'm looking forward to see your ideas
Thank you Kerry and congratulations for the fantastic job you did
- Welcome back to the challenges ...... Facebook