Criteria for gallery being "updated"

This may seem like a really (really!) stupid question, but what exactly is the criteria for a gallery being "updated" as it shows up under the title of the gallery in thumbnail view? The reason I ask is that this (I'm assuming) is what the recent galleries are posted by in communities. Even though I added a new photo to a gallery, it does not show the gallery as being updated on the day I uploaded the new photo. It shows the last updated date as being the date I created the gallery.
On a related note, the categories seem to be doing the same thing. If you go to the Galleries page on my site, you will see it says the Wildlife gallery was last updated on Mar. 3, 2010. However, if you go into the Wildlife gallery, you will notice that several of the galleries in there were updated (and created) after March 3rd. So is this a bug within Smugmug or is my head just in the clouds here?
On a related note, the categories seem to be doing the same thing. If you go to the Galleries page on my site, you will see it says the Wildlife gallery was last updated on Mar. 3, 2010. However, if you go into the Wildlife gallery, you will notice that several of the galleries in there were updated (and created) after March 3rd. So is this a bug within Smugmug or is my head just in the clouds here?
If you search these forums, you will find at least a five year history of Smugmug being made aware of this issue. Their standard responses are "we're looking at it" or "rearrange your galleries to match our broken feature".
Don't hold your breath waiting for this to work.
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