What's a reasonable rate?
What would a reasonable rate to charge a large retail (like Macy's or Belk) for an in-store event? 3 hours, 2 person photography team, 2-3 day turn around for best pics and disc with all photos. Thanks.
How much is your time worth per hour? Multiply this by how many hours you expect to work. Add in any expendables or rentals, plus pay for the assistant, and then add in your insurance costs and the tax I am sure you are paying, and you have a number to start with. Don't forget to add in some extra for your business to cover depreciation on your gear and company profit.
Don't worry. I can fix you in photoshop.
I don't think the fact that its a Macy's changes anything. Charge what you need to cover costs and time. If it's too much for them then so be it.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures