Using own domain name...
Ok, I have been trying to follow the tutorial provided (step-by-step) in order to set up my Smugmug account to use my new domain name--I had already bought the name at GoDaddy--and I cannot seem to figure it out. I get to the, "Create New CNAME," part and that's about it. Tried putting www in the alias name (as instructed) and my domain name in the other field but I keep getting an error saying only one name can be specified (www) or something like that.
Any other better tutorials for this out there?
Any other better tutorials for this out there?
In a nutshell, to set up the CNAME correctly you need the following: Point a www CNAME record to and an @ A record to Do not use your full domain in the CNAME unless the domain host tells you to. If you do, you will end up with or something similar.
Do not put in the address as the destination no matter how tempting that may be. Do not use forwarding or redirects either. None of these will work correctly.
You may find that you will need to edit or delete any existing www or @ records if there are any for your site. It will take 24-48 hours for the changes to propagate around the internet.
Once the domain resolves correctly, you can go to your SmugMug control panel and enter the custom domain on the settings tab. That is all there is too it. If you have problems, please let me know.
If you are stuck, send me your domain host UserID and set the password to something temporary like SmugTemp123. I will log in and make the changes or check the settings for you. When I am done you can reset the password.
The domain name is brand spanking new so it's not been used for any other sites yet.
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Now, however, when you type in the domain name it just takes me to the Smugmug homepage, not my Smugmug page. How do I point it to my site?
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