Difference in color between full photos and thumbnails?
I noticed in my galleries that the thumbnails appear to be the correct color, or as I remember uploading my photos, but when I click on the photos to view them, the photos look off color, more muted, what is the reason for this? I am using a spyder 2 to calibrate my monitor, but am I doing something incorrect in outputting the files or working with them?
When I view your portfolio gallery in Firefox 3.6 on Windows Vista, I don't see any significant difference between your thumbnails and your main image. Both look vibrant to me.
Also, please correct the first link in your dgrin signature because it just takes one to the Smugmug homepage.
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--- Denise
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Hey Matt,
This is typically due to your color profile on your computer. SmugMug is a color-aware photo host, and with that we embed the sRGB color profile in all your display copies, Small and larger. Thumbnails do NOT contain the embedded profile. This is why you're seeing the difference.
If you can send me a link to a specific gallery and image showing the difference between thumbs and display copies, it'd help.
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge