Buy Button Missing

The Buy Button is broken (as I first mentioned here:
See Gabriel's workaround:
Also, I took advantage of the SmugMug's customization and added a specific jQuery script that worked quite well to scale the background image. See here:
Today, however, I have no Buy Button. It disappeared right after the latest release (events, packages, etc.). If I remove the script the Buy button shows, but it will be to the right of the View Cart Button (it used to be to the left of the View Cart Button).
So I want to keep the scalable background, but it appears I need some timer hack to keep it from running until SmugMug creates the Buy Button. That does not seem logical. See here:
I have no idea how many people have customized their site and just do not realize that their Buy Button is missing.
See Gabriel's workaround:
Also, I took advantage of the SmugMug's customization and added a specific jQuery script that worked quite well to scale the background image. See here:
Today, however, I have no Buy Button. It disappeared right after the latest release (events, packages, etc.). If I remove the script the Buy button shows, but it will be to the right of the View Cart Button (it used to be to the left of the View Cart Button).
So I want to keep the scalable background, but it appears I need some timer hack to keep it from running until SmugMug creates the Buy Button. That does not seem logical. See here:
I have no idea how many people have customized their site and just do not realize that their Buy Button is missing.
So all of a sudden the buy button has become uncustomizable using normal scripting techniques and other page customizations seem to break the buy button. Woah. Everything suddenly got fragile for the buy button. I hope Smugmug doesn't want this to be the case and the way the buy button works can be rethought to make it less brittle and to make normal customization techniques work again.
FYI, if you're delaying the creation of the buy button until after onDOMReady in order to gather some info about packages, how about creating the buy button as you normally would and then dynamically adding the package menu item later when you have the appropriate packages information. Then, all existing scripts that modify the buy button could continue to work.
Also, us JS customizers really need a universal event that we can subscribe to that indicates to our own scripts that Smugmug is done with all page creation logic, including all the JS that is now used to create page elements. I've been asking for this for years because as it is now, we're relying on perilous timing to make some of the customizations work. It used to be that onDOMReady generally worked, but now even that doesn't work in some cases.
Also, any time you dynamically create page elements with your own JS via some page level event, we need an event when they are done being created. For example, there is NO reliable way to use JS to modify the lightbox without doing some serious hacking (replacing your functions with our own so we can see when they are called).
A simple event that you fire when you're done creating the lightbox page elements would make this trivial for us to use JS to customize. As another example, the new thumbnail view creates and loads thumbnails automatically as the page is scrolled. If one was trying to modify those with JS after they were loaded, you would need an event in order to be able to do so. As another example, the photoInfo box is dynamically created when the viewer first requests to see it, yet there is no known even that we can hook so we could modify it via JS if required. This has been hacked by replacing one of your JS functions, but you can imagine how much of a hack that is and how brittle it is.
As time passes, it looks like there will be more and more of these dynamically created page elements. Please think of your customizers and take the 15 minutes that it takes to add and document an event after these elements are created. Since YUI has such a nice event sub-system, I suspect you could even do this quite elegantly. Ideally you would integrate all events into the same system (including things like onPhotoShow) rather than makes one-offs for every new event.
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GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
You will note in the referenced thread that the total HACK way of solving this involves replacing your existing JS functions that create the photobar with our own as a hack means of knowing when it gets created. This is a horrendous hack and should be avoided because it can very easily break going forward and can very easily be done wrong. A simple event that our JS can register for (just like onPhotoShow.subscribe) for every single dynamically created object is all we need to make this non-brittle and easily doable. It would take a few minutes of JS for you to add the event.
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It feels like there are more and more changes that are not customization friendly when it would really be easy to keep things customizable: (divs and spans with no classes or IDs, dynamically created objects with no creation events, things that used to work with onDOMReady that don't any more, etc...). It's probably just new developers who aren't quite tuned in to the small things that keep the site customization friendly, but I'd sure hate to see Smugmug drift away from being so customizable just because new folks weren't aware of the small things that could keep it so.
The frustrating thing is that these are very little things that it takes to keep the site customization friendly. Add an event here and there when things are dynamically created or modified. Make sure all divs and spans have CSS addressable identifiers, etc...
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GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
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I wouldn't consider it a hack as it really is just configuring a background image and not trying to alter any SmugMug-generated content. But - that's semantics - with the script there is no button, and John said that the DOM had no reference to it all. Without the script, there is a buy button. I like the script and would prefer to keep it if at all possible.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
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Well, I removed the jQuery. :cry That bums me that I can't get this one working w/ SmugMug.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
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Thanks! Just noticed this yesterday, and woke up this morning to a fix. Amen, because my workarounds were going to be messy.