Question about focusing rails

I have been doing macro up to round 2:1 using a tripod and manual focus, moving the point of focus backwards in small increments and then stacking. I notice that a number of people use focusing rails instead. If there a particular benefit of using a focusing rail rather than refocusing the lens in small increments?
Most people doing high magnification stacks do use macro rail systems but often these are fixed down onto a base and it is the subject that is moved not the camera.
So overall if the stacks are coming out well using the method you are using I wouldn't worry about it and if you want even higher mag stacks you may need to think about a different setup.
I certainly use the focus ring sometimes for stacks less than 1:1 but nearly always use a fixed focus move camera method for higher mag stacks but I do these by hand just sliding the camera.
Brian v.
Thanks very much. This is very helpful.