family photo's at their home
a few shots from a shoot awhile back at their house it was a little tight for strobes. tell me what i can improve
Watch cutting off the arms & I would blur the seam in the wall on the background it is distracting.
I would crop out the white object on the bottom of the second shot.
Take Care,
Aperture Focus Photography
Watch your depth of field. Adults in the first one appear to be sharper that the kids in front and back. No data available so cannot tell what your aperture was but will need to be sure it is small enough to keep all parties in sharp focus.
18 - 55 kit lens
55- 200 VR kit lens
Lots of desires
Also take notice of your clients. little girl in front on the right side of the picture is showing her underwear a bit. As a father this would not be a sellable image for me, but then again, I'm just over protective.
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#2 is personal preference but I don't like a white vignette on a dark setting. The pose is very workable.
the first shot was in a bedroom i was using a 580 and a 540 strobes shot through umbrellas, I had the strobes l and right with the one to left a t 1/4 power the right at 1/2power. most shots where at 125 f6.3 iso 100. i see the white distraction in the one pic ,iwill brush that out, i did the white viginette for grandma, she likes them, i guess what confused me was they are all very light complextions, with black tops, in light room when the faces look good the rest is dark, or the oppisite, i tried a little messing with curves, actually the bw photos are best. but they bwant to see the pink, here is one from the living room
1- the background doesnt work and the shot is under exposed.
2- The conversion is flat and the white vignette comes off as ver amateurish
3- The white skirt and pink stockings are out of place and were a bad idea.....especially since everything else coordinateds well. Still, its your best shot....even though the exposure could stand a push.
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