Special Delivery

Some shots of a stork from this weekend. They were taken out in the backyard. Wasn't really prepared for this rocket when it came flying by. I hate the "junk" in the background and I had a horrible time keeping this fast moving guy in the frame. Guess I should be happy I have anything to show. :scratch Wish I had a better background than the darn telephone lines and houses. Maybe my neighbors will move? :clap jk. I don't see many storks in my yard. This guy hung out on the roof for a while until he got nervous. I have that effect on some things. :huh

Kinda got carried away....hehehe sorry.

Kinda got carried away....hehehe sorry.
I like the eye detail.
I have more, too, that I will put up. So many people use this forum and there are not as many slots on the front page as there used to be. I am glad that I found it over on the second page.
You know I love storks.
I had been busy, wonder what else I missed.:D
Glad I got this,
Did you stumble on this post....or did a little birdie tell you it was here.
Just curious .
I look forward to seeing your storks.
"Osprey Whisperer"
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Boy...I hardly ever change lenses. I'll have to give the sensor a good cleaning. Grrrrr.
BMP (Blind Mad Photographer)
"Osprey Whisperer"