Custom book pages in Aperture

I'm wanting to use Aperture to design a photo book, but not wanting to use their book publishing service. As such I therefore want to use a custom book layout. For my case, an 8x10 landscape book from Pounds Photo Labs. I setup the custom layout just fine, and I put in zero for margins so that I can go full-bleed if I want (but now I'm thinking that was a mistake). The real problem, however, is that the page numbering seems wrong. Normally a right-hand page is an odd number, but I'm getting even numbers for the right hand pages. Very strange.
Any help? Any online tutorials? My Aperture 2 book really doesn't touch on this much at all.
Any help? Any online tutorials? My Aperture 2 book really doesn't touch on this much at all.
Bill Jurasz - Mercury Photography - Cedar Park, TX
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Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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"I used Aperture 2 with custom page sizes, etc. to make a book that I printed via Blurb. I did not use Aperture to number the pages... rather exported each page as a single image and created the book via the Blurb software, which did the page numbering."
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From the Aperture 2 User's Manual, page 609: "After you’ve created your book, you can purchase printed and bound copies from Apple’s print vendor. You can also print your book using your own printer or create PDF files that you can send to clients or your own print vendor."
And from looking at it briefly last night it appears you can also get Aperture to spit out JPG's for each page, if need be, as well. Very nice. I made a photo book last night in Aperture in about 30 minutes, which would have taken me a few hours to do in Photoshop.
But, I still have the annoying page numbering issue. And I think I know what is wrong, and it has to do with the fact that with a custom theme Apple gets confused about the cover page and the first page of the book, and this throws off page numbering by one page.
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I don’t think its confused, its spitting out the pages, based on the books printing pagination. IOW, if a book is printing one sided versus two sided etc, how the sheets are printed and bound would play a role here.
It might just be easier to edit the PDF (doable with the full version of Acrobat) and just alter the page numbers it spits out. Or figure out if there is a book layout that has a pagination that matches what you want (I suspect not). Also, some parts of the book are sheet fed, others web (cover vs. inside) so again, this might make getting the pagination that would work if you sent the book to Apple difficult to fit your exact needs.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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But if it's a double-sided print, then the right hand side would really be the left hand page, no?
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this link will help you change your aperture print settings. I print custom wedding albums using aperture.
page numbers: sometimes there is a problem with page numbers. If you start with or add a single page to the first page of the book Aperture somtimes gets confused and starts the first page as a spread rather than ust the left page.
Turn of page numbers and just let your book company number your pages if you want them numbered.
Now I see your problem: start your first photo on the first page (the page you have blank at the top that is your first page)
What I think is really happening is that Aperture seems to think that first page is the book cover, which is why it is not numbering it. But then it immediately jumps to a two-page spread, instead of a one-page spread for the first page.
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