Claudiu, goodness-- that's a quick reply as far as I'm concerned! Besides, I believe you're in a quite different time zone from me! Thank you so much-- I think you've cleared things up for me. Yes, I did see the homepage for the program. I have to remember that the app is still in Beta... so that's why "help" isn't working yet-- I just thought maybe I'd downloaded the wrong version. Well, don't worry, you're being very helpful here, so it doesn't matter.
Ahh, ok, I see what you mean about right-clicking, etc., then going to the downloading page. I never even thought once about right-clicking. I didn't realize I needed to select things first. I confess, I'm not a fast-learner when it comes to programs & apps. I have a hard time seeing whatever is not right in front of my nose! It's irritating, because there are other things that I learn very quickly. Anyway, I will go back & try the things you suggested. Thank you so much-- I'm quite excited to be able to download more than one file at a time-- this will help me in so many ways! Why are there not more people downloading this app? Maybe they're waiting for it to be out of Beta? Ok... off to try it!
Claudiu, goodness-- that's a quick reply as far as I'm concerned! Besides, I believe you're in a quite different time zone from me! Thank you so much-- I think you've cleared things up for me. Yes, I did see the homepage for the program. I have to remember that the app is still in Beta... so that's why "help" isn't working yet-- I just thought maybe I'd downloaded the wrong version. Well, don't worry, you're being very helpful here, so it doesn't matter.
Ahh, ok, I see what you mean about right-clicking, etc., then going to the downloading page. I never even thought once about right-clicking. I didn't realize I needed to select things first. I confess, I'm not a fast-learner when it comes to programs & apps. I have a hard time seeing whatever is not right in front of my nose! It's irritating, because there are other things that I learn very quickly. Anyway, I will go back & try the things you suggested. Thank you so much-- I'm quite excited to be able to download more than one file at a time-- this will help me in so many ways! Why are there not more people downloading this app? Maybe they're waiting for it to be out of Beta? Ok... off to try it!
Don't worry. Just take your time
Thanks for trying it, and your thoughts are welcome. I have to finish some bits, maybe this weekend, before releasing the first release candidate build of version 0.5.
I still haven't tried it, Claudiu-- the day got away from me. But I remembered one more thing-- there's a selection on a tab that says "clear SmugMug account" or something like that. What does that do? It sounds rather frightening-- as if it's actually going to get rid of all the photos on one's SmugMug website! If that's the case, it should be made very difficult to click on, and there should be all kinds of big red warning signs around it. It would be easy to slip. But maybe I don't understand what it's for. [ETA: I did it!!! I tried downloading a gallery, then just selected originals, then thumbs & large size. It all worked very fast & slick! Three cheers, Claudiu! This will really make life simpler for so many instances when I need a whole batch downloaded. Wonderful. Two questions-- did you tell me there's a way to batch download watermarked images? None of the downloads I did tonight had watermarks, and I didn't expect them. But I wondered if you know of a way to do that with SmugLoader? Also, do you think I should be using the very top (latest) SmugLoader version on your downloads page? I'm using the Linux one, I think. But I have Vista. Thanks again! ]
I still haven't tried it, Claudiu-- the day got away from me. But I remembered one more thing-- there's a selection on a tab that says "clear SmugMug account" or something like that. What does that do? It sounds rather frightening-- as if it's actually going to get rid of all the photos on one's SmugMug website! If that's the case, it should be made very difficult to click on, and there should be all kinds of big red warning signs around it. It would be easy to slip. But maybe I don't understand what it's for.
"Empty the SmugMug account" is what you thought it was . There's a reason for it being placed in the menu rather than somewhere directly accessible. More, it will ask you for confirmation by checking a check box. I think it's the best way against accidentally clicking a button. It will further ask you if you really want to do that.
[ETA: I did it!!! I tried downloading a gallery, then just selected originals, then thumbs & large size. It all worked very fast & slick! Three cheers, Claudiu! This will really make life simpler for so many instances when I need a whole batch downloaded. Wonderful.
Two questions-- did you tell me there's a way to batch download watermarked images? None of the downloads I did tonight had watermarks, and I didn't expect them. But I wondered if you know of a way to do that with SmugLoader?
Regarding the watermarks you'll have the originals untouched, and some if not all of the smaller copies should have the watermark applied on SmugMug's side, that is if I remember correctly. Try to download some watermarked images, at least the size you see displayed with a watermark.
Also, do you think I should be using the very top (latest) SmugLoader version on your downloads page? I'm using the Linux one, I think. But I have Vista. Thanks again! ]
Just tried you app. Fantastic work.
It is quick and intuitive. And files are downloaded into the correct folder structure.
Two comments:
1) I cannot get it to download 1080p videos. Max resolution of a video I can get is 640x??? (depending on aspect ratio) even though a full HD version is in fact available and viewable on Ideas?
2) The folder structure is correct when downloaded meaning it will create folders such as Category/Subcat/Gallery etc.
But - it adds other folders like VIDEO640. It would be nice if we could just get the images and videos directly into the Gallery folder. Easier when viewing them offline on the Mac.
1) I cannot get it to download 1080p videos. Max resolution of a video I can get is 640x??? (depending on aspect ratio) even though a full HD version is in fact available and viewable on Ideas?
I will investigate. I have never had a video of such resolution to download :-P I might be behind with the new features of SM.
2) The folder structure is correct when downloaded meaning it will create folders such as Category/Subcat/Gallery etc.
But - it adds other folders like VIDEO640. It would be nice if we could just get the images and videos directly into the Gallery folder. Easier when viewing them offline on the Mac.
I'm not familiar with the Mac. Could you please describe the Gallery folder. Is it mandatory to have the pictures directly in the Gallery for easy navigation. If strong arguments, I might implement such support.
All things said, you have to keep in mind that SL is work in progress.
Thanks for your kind words.
I'm not familiar with the Mac. Could you please describe the Gallery folder. Is it mandatory to have the pictures directly in the Gallery for easy navigation. If strong arguments, I might implement such support.
I assume this is the same on Windows and Mac.
When I download the photos, they are placed in folders like this:
account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery
The videos are then placed into:
account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery/VIDEO640/
The reason I want the photos and videos in the same folder (that is, I would like all photos and all videos regardless of resolution to be in account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery), is that when you then browse this folder with an image viewer, you can easily scroll through all the photos and videos.
If you have multiple sub folders, showing off the Hawaiian vacation shots requires you to show what is in one folder, switch to another, then show videos (which are then shown out of sync date wise). Not as smooth.
Now, I fully understand that this is a work in progress, and even if I had to have every single video and photo in a separate folder, I would still be happy.
And my request to support full HD video downloads is much more important than the folder one.
I really just want an easy way to download a complete backup of my Smugmug collection.
Of course, if I had to mention something else, it would be a "sync" feature, so if I download a gallery I already have locally, it would just update it with new photos and videos, and not re-download everything again.
And an idea - put the sync feature and full HD feature in a PRO version and charge 25 dollars. I'll happily pay and I am sure others would as well as it would be the best (only?) working way to continuously backup a smugmug site.
I assume this is the same on Windows and Mac.
When I download the photos, they are placed in folders like this:
account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery
The videos are then placed into:
account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery/VIDEO640/
The reason I want the photos and videos in the same folder (that is, I would like all photos and all videos regardless of resolution to be in account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery), is that when you then browse this folder with an image viewer, you can easily scroll through all the photos and videos.
If you have multiple sub folders, showing off the Hawaiian vacation shots requires you to show what is in one folder, switch to another, then show videos (which are then shown out of sync date wise). Not as smooth.
Now, I fully understand that this is a work in progress, and even if I had to have every single video and photo in a separate folder, I would still be happy.
And my request to support full HD video downloads is much more important than the folder one.
I really just want an easy way to download a complete backup of my Smugmug collection.
Of course, if I had to mention something else, it would be a "sync" feature, so if I download a gallery I already have locally, it would just update it with new photos and videos, and not re-download everything again.
And an idea - put the sync feature and full HD feature in a PRO version and charge 25 dollars. I'll happily pay and I am sure others would as well as it would be the best (only?) working way to continuously backup a smugmug site.
Best regards
I see your points, and I will add an option to download the videos to the Gallery, instead of a different folder in the gallery. Regarding the full HD videos, I will need to see what's the issue with them. Only if I'll need a full HD fragment of video, I'll kindly ask you to provide one to me.
Regarding the PRO version, there will be no such thing. SmugLoader will stay free, even with those features in place. For now it provides synchronization for photos during uploading, the most important feature. I'll develop synchronization for download too. But you'll have to be patient. Of course, I'll need continous feedback, and that is something rare these days. I might at some point set up some donations system (paypal), but only if it will be possible.
And my request to support full HD video downloads is much more important than the folder one.
I really just want an easy way to download a complete backup of my Smugmug collection.
I found the issue, and it is now fixed, but it needs to be tested. If you could test a private build I'd appreciate it.
I've browsed through all these messages and didn't see an answer to this. Possibly all you guys are way more advanced than I am. I downloaded the file and opened it but cannot figure out how to install. What is this dummy missing?
I've browsed through all these messages and didn't see an answer to this. Possibly all you guys are way more advanced than I am. I downloaded the file and opened it but cannot figure out how to install. What is this dummy missing?
I had that problem too. But I'm sorry I'm unable to tell you exactly what my spouse figured out then to get it installed. It seems to me we had to do a search online to find out what that kind of file was. And then we had to download some kind of zip-file opener that we read about. Hopefully Udy (Claudiu) will jump in here & tell you exactly what to do. But if you get this & have time to search online, you might find the answer. First you have to find where on your computer the files went... that was our first problem, because some of them went into the recycle bin. That was not the latest version, though. Well, good luck. I'll look back through here & post back if I find the post where I mentioned this previously. [ETA: Ok, I found it.... look at posts #150 & 151 in this thread. You could try looking up "jarloaders" and might find out what you need to use to open that type of file. Udy (Claudiu) is on a much different time zone, so it may be a few hrs. til he checks his mail! It's worth waiting for though! ]
I've browsed through all these messages and didn't see an answer to this. Possibly all you guys are way more advanced than I am. I downloaded the file and opened it but cannot figure out how to install. What is this dummy missing?
First you have to read the instructions on this page:, right before the Ubuntu installation instructions. That's for Windows, and Mac.
If you still don't succeed, please let me know.
P.S. Thanks to Lisa for offering the initial support :-)
I want to announce the first, and certainly not the last, release candidate (RC) of SmugLoader.
It brings automatic duplicates detection in case the upload confirmation has failed. SL will try to detect if the same file has already been uploaded, before re-uploading it. It checks if the file has been uploaded between the upload start time, and the time the confirmation error occured. This feature only works for image files, and hopefully will stop re-uploading the already uploaded file, a thing that happened before.
You will be able to set the connection timeouts for uploads, downloads, (for both connect, and read), and general SmugMug requests.
A bunch of bugs were fixed.
There are a few not so serious bugs that will be fixed for the next RC.
What you have to know now is that the features are all in for the current version. New features will be implemented in future versions. All I need now is your feedback.
RC-1 new build
Due to some changes in SmugMug's security layer, all the applications have to add a cookie to the requests to function properly. I replaced the RC-1 build with the fix.
There still is an issue with the automatic login, that uses a hash to login. That hash based login is broken on SmugMug's side, so the workaround is to remove the conf folder/directory in the SmugLoader-0.5 folder. I hope this will be fixed soon on SmugMug servers, and that SmugLoader's new build will function without any other fix. I'll keep an eye on the issue, and I'll let you know.
Begining with the 14th download, the users will have the new build.
I have to add some clarifications to my latest post.
Until the SmugMug issue will be solved, you don't have to delete the conf folder, but you have to edit the which is located in the conf folder.
So after the first login, go the settings, and uncheck the automatically log in checkbox. After you closed the application, open the with an editor. Search for the line that contains the word "hash", and remove that line entirely. This way, every time you start the application, it will still try to log in (a bug in the login procedure), but it will fail, so you'll be able to manually login, and circumvent the SmugMug's issue.
Sorry for the mess. I hope that SmugMug will fix the issue soon. And of course, I'll fix SmugLoader's issues :P
I have to add some clarifications to my latest post.
Until the SmugMug issue will be solved, you don't have to delete the conf folder, but you have to edit the which is located in the conf folder.
So after the first login, go the settings, and uncheck the automatically log in checkbox. After you closed the application, open the with an editor. Search for the line that contains the word "hash", and remove that line entirely. This way, every time you start the application, it will still try to log in (a bug in the login procedure), but it will fail, so you'll be able to manually login, and circumvent the SmugMug's issue.
Sorry for the mess. I hope that SmugMug will fix the issue soon. And of course, I'll fix SmugLoader's issues :P
Forget all that I wrote in the previous post. I uploaded a new build that fixes the SmugLoader's login issue, and all you have to do now is to uncheck the automatically log in checkbox, in the settings dialog.
There is also a fix with the batch downloading.
Please do download the new build.
The 17th download is the last download of the previous build.
Have you added a folder that directly contains images? If read the message in the dialog box carefully, it's what happens when you do just that. The folder you add is the root under which your categories reside. If there are images under the root, it is treated as album, without category. Got it?QUOTE]
I'm having the same issue. I don't understand this. On my PC I have folders like: C:\Pictures\2010\2010_11_15. In SM, I have Categories like 2010, 2009, etc. Each date is a gallery in SM. How do I use SL to upload my 2010_11_15 folder with Description = "2010_11_15" and Category = "2010"?
Have you added a folder that directly contains images? If read the message in the dialog box carefully, it's what happens when you do just that. The folder you add is the root under which your categories reside. If there are images under the root, it is treated as album, without category. Got it?QUOTE]
I'm having the same issue. I don't understand this. On my PC I have folders like: C:\Pictures\2010\2010_11_15. In SM, I have Categories like 2010, 2009, etc. Each date is a gallery in SM. How do I use SL to upload my 2010_11_15 folder with Description = "2010_11_15" and Category = "2010"?
Point to the Pictures folder, and no deeper that that. If 2010 contains only folders (so no files in 2010), 2010_11_15 will turn to be a gallery. I hope it works. So the Pictures folder will be the root where your categories reside.
Point to the Pictures folder, and no deeper that that. If 2010 contains only folders (so no files in 2010), 2010_11_15 will turn to be a gallery. I hope it works. So the Pictures folder will be the root where your categories reside.
Do test it on a test category/gallery first.
Okay, I see how it works now. I now see 35,000 photos to upload. How do I narrow it down to upload a few galleries at a time?
Release Candidate 2 Announcement
This is the announcement for the second Release Candidate of SmugLoader 0.5.
There are a few fixes, and improvements:
It's now possible to upload all the SM supported video files. SL will look to their extension.
The management of the upload queue begins before scanning the hard drive for files. Now you'll be presented with the structure of the galleries first. There you can exclude galleries (folders) from being scanned for files (see the contextual popup menu). This could potentially save you a lot of time. I will implement excluding of categories/subcategories too, in a future build, so it will be even more time saver.
This is my first post, I joined the forum just to thank you for a great utility/program. I was looking for something that could upload photo's and keep my folder structure . I will try this out tonight and upload my 30k pictures and 100 HD videos (about 100GB). I will ensure I give feedback on the application .
This is my first post, I joined the forum just to thank you for a great utility/program. I was looking for something that could upload photo's and keep my folder structure . I will try this out tonight and upload my 30k pictures and 100 HD videos (about 100GB). I will ensure I give feedback on the application .
You're welcome. It's going to be an important test, since 100GB represent a huge amount of data.
Take into account that if your folder structure is deeper than the SmugMug's, the folder names will be concatenated. For a preview, you point to the root folder. SmugLoader will show you the structure to be created before creating it. That way you can check if it's what you want. If you'll have any questions before starting the upload, please let me know.
You're welcome. It's going to be an important test, since 100GB represent a huge amount of data.
Take into account that if your folder structure is deeper than the SmugMug's, the folder names will be concatenated. For a preview, you point to the root folder. SmugLoader will show you the structure to be created before creating it. That way you can check if it's what you want. If you'll have any questions before starting the upload, please let me know.
Ahh, ok, I see what you mean about right-clicking, etc., then going to the downloading page. I never even thought once about right-clicking. I didn't realize I needed to select things first. I confess, I'm not a fast-learner when it comes to programs & apps. I have a hard time seeing whatever is not right in front of my nose! It's irritating, because there are other things that I learn very quickly. Anyway, I will go back & try the things you suggested. Thank you so much-- I'm quite excited to be able to download more than one file at a time-- this will help me in so many ways! Why are there not more people downloading this app? Maybe they're waiting for it to be out of Beta? Ok... off to try it!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Don't worry. Just take your time
Thanks for trying it, and your thoughts are welcome. I have to finish some bits, maybe this weekend, before releasing the first release candidate build of version 0.5.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
"Empty the SmugMug account" is what you thought it was
I'm glad it worked!
Regarding the watermarks you'll have the originals untouched, and some if not all of the smaller copies should have the watermark applied on SmugMug's side, that is if I remember correctly. Try to download some watermarked images, at least the size you see displayed with a watermark.
You should always be using the latest version.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
The first link is the latest version.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
I hope you'll enjoy it. Any feedback is welcome, and needed during this phase.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
It is quick and intuitive. And files are downloaded into the correct folder structure.
Two comments:
1) I cannot get it to download 1080p videos. Max resolution of a video I can get is 640x??? (depending on aspect ratio) even though a full HD version is in fact available and viewable on Ideas?
2) The folder structure is correct when downloaded meaning it will create folders such as Category/Subcat/Gallery etc.
But - it adds other folders like VIDEO640. It would be nice if we could just get the images and videos directly into the Gallery folder. Easier when viewing them offline on the Mac.
Best regards
I will investigate. I have never had a video of such resolution to download :-P I might be behind with the new features of SM.
I'm not familiar with the Mac. Could you please describe the Gallery folder. Is it mandatory to have the pictures directly in the Gallery for easy navigation. If strong arguments, I might implement such support.
All things said, you have to keep in mind that SL is work in progress.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
I assume this is the same on Windows and Mac.
When I download the photos, they are placed in folders like this:
account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery
The videos are then placed into:
account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery/VIDEO640/
The reason I want the photos and videos in the same folder (that is, I would like all photos and all videos regardless of resolution to be in account name/Category/Subcategory/Gallery), is that when you then browse this folder with an image viewer, you can easily scroll through all the photos and videos.
If you have multiple sub folders, showing off the Hawaiian vacation shots requires you to show what is in one folder, switch to another, then show videos (which are then shown out of sync date wise). Not as smooth.
Now, I fully understand that this is a work in progress, and even if I had to have every single video and photo in a separate folder, I would still be happy.
And my request to support full HD video downloads is much more important than the folder one.
I really just want an easy way to download a complete backup of my Smugmug collection.
Of course, if I had to mention something else, it would be a "sync" feature, so if I download a gallery I already have locally, it would just update it with new photos and videos, and not re-download everything again.
And an idea - put the sync feature and full HD feature in a PRO version and charge 25 dollars. I'll happily pay and I am sure others would as well as it would be the best (only?) working way to continuously backup a smugmug site.
Best regards
I see your points, and I will add an option to download the videos to the Gallery, instead of a different folder in the gallery. Regarding the full HD videos, I will need to see what's the issue with them. Only if I'll need a full HD fragment of video, I'll kindly ask you to provide one to me.
Regarding the PRO version, there will be no such thing. SmugLoader will stay free, even with those features in place. For now it provides synchronization for photos during uploading, the most important feature. I'll develop synchronization for download too. But you'll have to be patient. Of course, I'll need continous feedback, and that is something rare these days. I might at some point set up some donations system (paypal), but only if it will be possible.
Thanks for your thoughts, and ideas.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
I found the issue, and it is now fixed, but it needs to be tested. If you could test a private build I'd appreciate it.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
Wow that was fast.
Yes, of course I will test it.
Send me a PM with a link and I will get right on it.
Best regards
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
First you have to read the instructions on this page:, right before the Ubuntu installation instructions. That's for Windows, and Mac.
If you still don't succeed, please let me know.
P.S. Thanks to Lisa for offering the initial support :-)
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
Hi all!
I want to announce the first, and certainly not the last, release candidate (RC) of SmugLoader.
It brings automatic duplicates detection in case the upload confirmation has failed. SL will try to detect if the same file has already been uploaded, before re-uploading it. It checks if the file has been uploaded between the upload start time, and the time the confirmation error occured. This feature only works for image files, and hopefully will stop re-uploading the already uploaded file, a thing that happened before.
You will be able to set the connection timeouts for uploads, downloads, (for both connect, and read), and general SmugMug requests.
A bunch of bugs were fixed.
There are a few not so serious bugs that will be fixed for the next RC.
What you have to know now is that the features are all in for the current version. New features will be implemented in future versions. All I need now is your feedback.
You can find the build at the usual place, and it's named smugloader-0.5-RC-1
Enjoy and thanks,
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
Due to some changes in SmugMug's security layer, all the applications have to add a cookie to the requests to function properly. I replaced the RC-1 build with the fix.
There still is an issue with the automatic login, that uses a hash to login. That hash based login is broken on SmugMug's side, so the workaround is to remove the conf folder/directory in the SmugLoader-0.5 folder. I hope this will be fixed soon on SmugMug servers, and that SmugLoader's new build will function without any other fix. I'll keep an eye on the issue, and I'll let you know.
Begining with the 14th download, the users will have the new build.
For further technical info, please see
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
Until the SmugMug issue will be solved, you don't have to delete the conf folder, but you have to edit the which is located in the conf folder.
So after the first login, go the settings, and uncheck the automatically log in checkbox. After you closed the application, open the with an editor. Search for the line that contains the word "hash", and remove that line entirely. This way, every time you start the application, it will still try to log in (a bug in the login procedure), but it will fail, so you'll be able to manually login, and circumvent the SmugMug's issue.
Sorry for the mess. I hope that SmugMug will fix the issue soon. And of course, I'll fix SmugLoader's issues :P
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
Forget all that I wrote in the previous post. I uploaded a new build that fixes the SmugLoader's login issue, and all you have to do now is to uncheck the automatically log in checkbox, in the settings dialog.
There is also a fix with the batch downloading.
Please do download the new build.
The 17th download is the last download of the previous build.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
You've got a private message.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
This is the announcement for the second Release Candidate of SmugLoader 0.5.
There are a few fixes, and improvements:
- It's now possible to upload all the SM supported video files. SL will look to their extension.
- The management of the upload queue begins before scanning the hard drive for files. Now you'll be presented with the structure of the galleries first. There you can exclude galleries (folders) from being scanned for files (see the contextual popup menu). This could potentially save you a lot of time. I will implement excluding of categories/subcategories too, in a future build, so it will be even more time saver.
- Other fixes.
Enjoy!My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
This is my first post, I joined the forum just to thank you for a great utility/program. I was looking for something that could upload photo's and keep my folder structure
You're welcome. It's going to be an important test, since 100GB represent a huge amount of data.
Take into account that if your folder structure is deeper than the SmugMug's, the folder names will be concatenated. For a preview, you point to the root folder. SmugLoader will show you the structure to be created before creating it. That way you can check if it's what you want. If you'll have any questions before starting the upload, please let me know.
My Photos | [highlight]SmugLoader[/highlight] | [highlight]Facebook[/highlight] | [highlight]Twitter[/highlight]
for example
It doesn't go deeper then 3 maybe 4 levels.