Parnelli Jones Extravaganza
This fabulous collection of cars were all driven, at some point in his career, by the storied American race car driver Parnelli Jones. He raced primarily in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. His victories included the Indianapolis 500 in 1963. This is the only time in history wherein all these important cars were assembled in one place at one time.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
My Photoblog: Mind Tap media
At two of them, when I was in high school, I sold the Indianapolis Star at the race. The newspaper let us pick a section to sell in and I picked the pit parquet where I could watch the race from behind the pits. I got in free, sold enough papers before the race to make a few bucks, and got a free seat for the race.
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W
JC Agajanian was behind the 1963 #98 Willard car driven by Jones.
Andy Granatelli (of STP fame) was the guy who bought the rights to the Novi V8 in 1963. Bobby Unser drove it that year, but crashed early and finished 33rd.
WOW, the Colors just jump off the Screen, and the Car themselves are so
wonderful, Parnelli Jones, man I haven't heard that name in a while.
Love all of these, can't wait to see what the new season holds:D:D:D
Burleson, Texas
The older racers tend to drift from our memory until something like this exhibit hits you square in the face. To refresh yourself with their accomplishments and to see the actual cars they performed in is exhilarating. It was a monumental effort on the part of the show organizers to get all these cars here.
Thanks for the comment. Tony Cooper graciously added some neat insight to things....particularly the JC Agajanian connection to the 1963 winning car.
Thanks for the nice comments. I actually got to sit in the Willard Battery Special. That was a real biggie for me.
Thanks for the info you shared about the 1963 Indy winning car. I didn't know you were also a car hound but anybody who's been to 9 Indy races has got have it in his blood.
Take care,
Was, not now, though. I got burned out on it after nine 500s. I still prefer open wheel to stock, though. And, I think the pits is the only place to watch a race. Instead of zoom, zoom and gone, you really see action.
I got shots during those times that rivaled anything I ever saw in a magazine. Unfortunately, all that production is on Velvia and, while I routinely look at the slides, I have never scanned them over to digital. It's the one project I can't seem to ever really get after. I sold ( and gave away ) a good bit of that work to several teams. One of the big-time Ferrari drivers of that time has a huge blow-up I took of him hanging in his office.
Oh man, I'd have paid money to do that!
Small side story: Some years ago I had a chance to sit in a modern Indy car. I couldn't get in much past my knees. People kept saying "Twist sideways and then slide down." Uh, yeah, right. Either modern drivers are all elves or I have gained more weight than I thought. Never managed to get my behind on the seat. :cry
My B&W Photos
Motorcycles in B&W