Gonna make my own Foamy Flash Modifier!

canonboycanonboy Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
edited March 14, 2010 in Accessories
I'm gonna try my hand and creating my own foamie flash modifier. I've read various posts by ziggy53 and the Web page described here.

I went ahead and bought:
  • a 9x12" sheet of white foam - 99 cents
  • a 9x12" sheet of black foam - 99 cents
  • a flexible sheet of plastic canvas mesh - 79 cents
  • a can of Elmer's spray adhesive - $4.99

I think I've got several strips of velcro lying around somewhere, too.

I was going to follow the instructions from that Brian Zimmerman link above. Before I make my first cut, were there any other modifications you've all made to this foamy flash modifier that I can incorporate?

Also, if I'm already creating this foamy thing, is it worth buying a Demb Flip-It, too? I've seen a lot of rave reviews for this, too.

Ultimately, my goal is to get "better" quality of light from my external flash outdoors and at night, perhaps while on vacation or when I'm out of town. These would also be situations where I might not be near any walls or ceilings to bounce my flash off of. I'm hoping that one or both of these flash modifiers will help me out.

Thanks so much for your help.


  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited March 14, 2010
    I suggest using sheets of printer paper to experiment with different shapes, concentrating your experimentation with the balance of light coming from the different areas of the different shapes of the modifier.

    If you wish, photograph yourself shooting into a mirror and expose for the flash and modifier so you can see the pattern of light.

    I wound up with a design which allows a strong reflection at the top and still allows some spill for lower ceilings.

    Yes, I still find lots of use for the Demb FlipIt. I purchased the smallest model because the scoop already does what I want for a large modifier. Used correctly you will often pull the Demb reflector back to adjust the fill effect. The Demb devices work completely different compared to the scoop so they each have a place and different application.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • lfortierlfortier Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2010
    I tried the 'foam' flash attachment and got decent results.
    I tried the Demb flip it - better results plus adjustability.
    Liked it so much, i bought a 2nd one for my 2nd flash.
    Even bought the Demb flash mount.

    Good luck in your search.
  • WillCADWillCAD Registered Users Posts: 722 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2010
    I made a smaller version with just a white sheet of foam and an elastic strap. It works quite well, but is not as bulky and obtrusive as the full-sheet version.

    I got the idea from this web page, which sells products but also has how-to videos showing how to make your own foam bounce card.
    What I said when I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time: "The wide ain't wide enough and the zoom don't zoom enough!"
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