Nikon Lense suggestions
Hey guys, was hoping for simple advice on Nikon Nikkor lenses and what you all use/prefer. I'm open to any suggestions. I'd like to stick to Nikkor, cost isn't really an option as I plan to save up for whatever I feel is appropriate and will benefit me the most.
I currently own a D40 with a 18-55mm lense and shoot mostly portraits, etc. You can see my work at
At this point, Ive been looking at a Nikon Nikkor 55-200mm Zoom Lens features VR Image Stabilzation, f/4-5.6G, IF-ED, AF-S, DX
or a
Nikon Nikkor 16-85mm Zoom Lens features VR Image Stabilzation; f/3.5-5.6, AF-S
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance everyone!!!:thumb
I currently own a D40 with a 18-55mm lense and shoot mostly portraits, etc. You can see my work at
At this point, Ive been looking at a Nikon Nikkor 55-200mm Zoom Lens features VR Image Stabilzation, f/4-5.6G, IF-ED, AF-S, DX
or a
Nikon Nikkor 16-85mm Zoom Lens features VR Image Stabilzation; f/3.5-5.6, AF-S
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance everyone!!!:thumb
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I will be checking into that as well, ASAP! I'm pretty sure I want the f2.8 due to shooting portraits....
I would love to wait for such a lense... but at the same time, I'm getting alot of clients and really need something that I can pick up in a couple weeks/a month or so... But def. thank you for your input and suggestion! I will keep my eye out to see if they do release such a lense.
While the 85mm, f1.4 is a fantastic portrait lens, it will require MF on your body.
The Nikkor 24-70mm, f2.8 lens I recommended is AF-s and will AF on your camera.
First DX Sigma 50-150 f2.8 HSM, most of this gallery was shot with one:
Second and third, Sigma's and Tamron's eq of the Nikon 24-70.
Sigma - make sure you are looking at the new HSM version (Sigma's version of AF-S as Mitchell noted is required for the D40). There are older versions that did not have HSM. The only complaint I have heard of the lens is maybe a little soft in the corners, which since your camera is a DX body you are still in the sweet spot of the lens.
Tamron's version is a 28-75 instead of 24-70 (you also need to look at the new version with the built in motor). The Tamron built in motor is also the slowest of the bunch.
The Sigma 24-70 is the most exspensive at around $900, the 50-150 is next at $750 with the Tamron coming ing last at $450. These are new prices, but the 50-150 and Tamron can be found used for less.
David, he is a professional photographer and is looking for a good portrait lens. His original post said "Hey guys, was hoping for simple advice on Nikon Nikkor lenses and what you all use/prefer. I'm open to any suggestions. I'd like to stick to Nikkor, cost isn't really an option as I plan to save up for whatever I feel is appropriate and will benefit me the most."
If cost is not really an issue, I stand by my recommendation. Granted the body is outclassed by the lens, but I used that lens on my D70 with good results. It's a lens he could have for the rest of his career. I'm a big believer in buying the best glass you can. The results are worth it.
You'll get no argument from me that it is worth the money. And if cost is not an issue it is the best. And when you add in the DX crop factor the focal length is great for portraits.
One of my favorite lenses to use on a nikon dx sensor has been the tamron 28-75
~100.00 bucks.
IMO every Nikon Guy, should have one.
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-- Abraham Lincoln