New with questions about sales
Hi, I'm new here. :-)
I'm really desperate for some advice. I went to a photography workshop this weekend and the person from the museum that sponsored the workshop wants to buy a print of one of my photos for his wife.
I was utterly shocked at the time, so I didn't think to ask any pertinent questions then, but I just talked to him and he'd like the print to be around 10x10 (the photo itself is approximately square--very slightly rectangular horizontally).
So, my questions are:
1. How much do I charge? I am only providing it to him with the print and mat. I don't want to charge too much, but I also don't want to charge too little.
2. Where on earth do I get it printed? (I'm in Eugene, OR.)
3. Does it need a name? I'm horrible at thinking up names for my photos.
And add anything else a complete and total newbie to selling photos would need to know! :-)
I'm really desperate for some advice. I went to a photography workshop this weekend and the person from the museum that sponsored the workshop wants to buy a print of one of my photos for his wife.
I was utterly shocked at the time, so I didn't think to ask any pertinent questions then, but I just talked to him and he'd like the print to be around 10x10 (the photo itself is approximately square--very slightly rectangular horizontally).
So, my questions are:
1. How much do I charge? I am only providing it to him with the print and mat. I don't want to charge too much, but I also don't want to charge too little.
2. Where on earth do I get it printed? (I'm in Eugene, OR.)
3. Does it need a name? I'm horrible at thinking up names for my photos.
And add anything else a complete and total newbie to selling photos would need to know! :-)
He's agreed to a price. I"m getting it printed at West Coast Imaging. And I came up with a name (shadow flight)!
I'll just throw a little intro in here. I'm Rach and I live in the in Eugene, OR area. I shoot with a little Nikon D40 but really overall I like it. Most of my work is macros. I sort of my mission is to show little things that most people miss.
It's a weird thing to go from thinking of my photography as a hobby I really enjoy to thinking "people may actually pay money for my photos". But it's pretty nice, too! :-D
So I'll be hanging around as this looks like a good place to learn a lot.
I really think that most photographers go through this internal do I price my work and how do I tell someone that price without having to justify anything.
Don't under price your work and always use a good lab. For highly custom work we use White House Custom Colour. Their products are outstanding and we have never had a bad experience.
For traditional prints we use the SM Bay Photo...also good..