Mega #7 - Untitled

Shot this early morning on Saturday and sadly there just weren't many clouds. This particular shot is unlikely for a reshoot since sunrise is dangerously close to clock in time at the moment, but I've got other (different) shots from the morning I could try if this one is a bomb!

Considered Titles so Far:
Finding Home
Finding Peace
Thanks for looking! :thumb
I don't know about the person in the shot.
Sorry I don't have much more to say--this is a MEGA round for sure. It's even difficult to give proper C&C.
Fair enough, I'm normally not a fan of seeing myself in photos either!
Thanks for your thoughts, Liz! It's definitely tough to give good C&C on such a subjective theme, so I appreciate your time!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
- about the interpretation... I have no idea... as you said, the theme is very subjective ...... Facebook