Godaddy email blacklisted?

dsparksphotographydsparksphotography Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
edited January 11, 2012 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Has anyone else had problems with their email via godaddy being marked as spam? I did a bit of research today and found out that godaddy email servers are on a few blacklists. I have had several clients tell me they have not received email's that I sent - this is not good. A quick call into godaddy support and i was told there was nothing that could be done. Have others had this issue - is there a way around it?


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2010
    Just sent email from my site with a godaddy address to another godaddy address, and to a gmail address - all worked fine. Check your spam settings?
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2010
    It's entirely possible (but, not hugely likely IMHO) that someone would blacklist GoDaddy's servers based on IP Address. If you know the IP address that the SMTP server runs on (outbound mail), you can check it against some RBL's... You can try this service: which checks against a bunch of them.

    Once you know, you can decide if moving your email to something like Google Apps (we set Google Apps email accounts up for a LOT of our clients) or some other service would be appropriate.

    If it truly IS blocked and you don't want to move, you need to get GoDaddy to write to the blocked hosts and get unblocked....

  • dbddbd Registered Users Posts: 216 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2010
    Andy wrote:
    Just sent email from my site with a godaddy address to another godaddy address, and to a gmail address - all worked fine. Check your spam settings?
    It sounds like the problem isn't about the OP's spam settings or Andy's spam settings but about the OP's customer's spam settings. Some mail applications have the ability to set rules including "permitted sources" for e-mail. The problem is in getting those customers to take the required actions, and then there are the customers whose apps can't be so set.

    Dale B. Dalrymple
    "Give me a lens long enough and a place to stand and I can image the earth."
    ...with apology to Archimedies
  • dsparksphotographydsparksphotography Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited March 16, 2010
    DrDavid wrote:
    It's entirely possible (but, not hugely likely IMHO) that someone would blacklist GoDaddy's servers based on IP Address. If you know the IP address that the SMTP server runs on (outbound mail), you can check it against some RBL's... You can try this service: which checks against a bunch of them.

    Once you know, you can decide if moving your email to something like Google Apps (we set Google Apps email accounts up for a LOT of our clients) or some other service would be appropriate.

    If it truly IS blocked and you don't want to move, you need to get GoDaddy to write to the blocked hosts and get unblocked....


    Thanks David - a bit more information that was the basis for my research and the question I posted here. I used to identify the outbound email address from the godaddy email server (it was - and then checked this against 105 known blacklists (a quick check can be performed from the same mstoolbox page) - and the email server was on three different blacklists (backscatter, ucprotectl1, ucprotectl2).

    I will contact godaddy again and push harder on this, i was mostly curious if other users have had or reported problems such as this.
  • dsparksphotographydsparksphotography Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited August 31, 2010
    Has anyone else had problems with their email via godaddy being marked as spam? I did a bit of research today and found out that godaddy email servers are on a few blacklists. I have had several clients tell me they have not received email's that I sent - this is not good. A quick call into godaddy support and i was told there was nothing that could be done. Have others had this issue - is there a way around it?

    I continue to have random problems with email not being received by my clients. I have never experienced such a problem with other domain providers. Godaddy servers seem to get put onto blacklists, and as a result, some server side email applications either reject the email or place it in a spam folder. Here is an email I just sent that was bounced back to me (client sends me an email, i simply reply and it is not delivered). I can't believe I am the only one having this problem?

    Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
    I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
    This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
    Connected to but sender was rejected.
    Remote host said: 550 This system is configured to reject mail from [] (Host blacklisted - Found on Realtime Black List server '')
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2010
    Have you called Godaddy? I've been using them for years, and have never once had an issue with email not being delivered.
  • cwyrickcwyrick Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited September 1, 2010
    Hi, I used to work as an ecommerce marketing manager. a lot of email service providers tend to bulk accounts together on one server to make their products affordable.

    The company I worked for constantly had issues with GoDaddy and blacklisting. You pretty much have to move to another IP if you're blacklisted - getting whitelisted again takes a lot of time and effort and there is no 100% guarantee that you will by specific email clients like AOL or MSN.

    Your alternative is to look into other email service providers like ExactTarget (who we used and they're fantastic! their knowledge base is the bomb!).. or Constant Contact. While these companies also offer the "lump companies together on a server" option.. they maintain strict guidelines or best practices for being CAN-SPAM compliant.

    I hope you find a solution to your issue.
    I continue to have random problems with email not being received by my clients. I have never experienced such a problem with other domain providers. Godaddy servers seem to get put onto blacklists, and as a result, some server side email applications either reject the email or place it in a spam folder. Here is an email I just sent that was bounced back to me (client sends me an email, i simply reply and it is not delivered). I can't believe I am the only one having this problem?

    Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
    I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
    This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
    Connected to but sender was rejected.
    Remote host said: 550 This system is configured to reject mail from [] (Host blacklisted - Found on Realtime Black List server '')
  • Dan7312Dan7312 Registered Users Posts: 1,330 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2010
    I don't use GoDaddy for email, but in the past I've used other email hosting services that ended up with a blacklisted server on a number of occasions. The only thing you can do is contact GoDaddy. GoDaddy will have to contact the blacklisting service and convince them they have cleaned up the server IP address you are on and get the blacklisting service to remove them from their list.

    BTW is a good way to check stuff like this out. The server your email is on is blacklisted, you can get details at

    Interestingly enough I used mxtoolbox to check out the mx address for and Andy's email is hosted on a different IP address ( than yours and that IP address is not blacklisted.

    So even though you and Andy are both using GoDaddy, your emails are being hosted on different IP addresses.

    Has anyone else had problems with their email via godaddy being marked as spam? I did a bit of research today and found out that godaddy email servers are on a few blacklists. I have had several clients tell me they have not received email's that I sent - this is not good. A quick call into godaddy support and i was told there was nothing that could be done. Have others had this issue - is there a way around it?
  • w8ting4k1ckw8ting4k1ck Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited April 4, 2011
    All GoDaddy hosted sites are Blacklisted
    I was unable to send and email to my wife who works for a public school. I contacted the head of technology for the school district and he let me know that my IP was black listed. I did further research and this is what I discovered.
    IP Address Query Results (dnsbl): – GoDaddy – EID-1001 – Continued hosting of spam/hate sites, ignoring abuse, not enforcing terms of service / acceptable use policy
    Reason for listing:
    This host has been listed as a ‘Shoot On Sight’ IP. This means that the host has violated the AHBL’s SOS policies. The common cause of these listings are severe abuse, harassment, or other actions taken by the owner of the IP address in question against the AHBL. Please read about our policy on SOS listings here.
    Extended Reason:
    Your IP has been listed because it is being hosted by GoDaddy. GoDaddy has stated to us that they will not act on abuse or harassment by their customers, even when provided mountains of evidence and complaints. Please do not contact us about removal, as we are unable to speak with anyone besides GoDaddy’s abuse department about this issue.
    Contrary to their assertions otherwise, GoDaddy has not made any attempts to contact us or come to a resolution on any issues.
    This listing does not affect people who register domains through GoDaddy – only for domains hosted on GoDaddy.
    I will be leaving GoDaddy unless this issue is resolved. I am posting this so others might know the situation their site is in.
    Chris Gates
    Web Developer
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 4, 2011
    I will be leaving GoDaddy unless this issue is resolved. I am posting this so others might know the situation their site is in.
    Chris Gates
    Web Developer

    I've never had any trouble for years and years that my email has been hosted by godaddy.
  • w8ting4k1ckw8ting4k1ck Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited April 6, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    I've never had any trouble for years and years that my email has been hosted by godaddy.
    I'm getting bounces from AOL and my local public school district.
    This was the reply I received from gO dADDY support:
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thank you for bringing this blocking issue to our attention. We have been working towards resolving this issue. Go Daddy has a zero tolerance policy on spam. Our Email Administrators and Abuse Investigators are constantly working to make sure that spam and abuse are identified and terminated as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the issue that caused the AHBL to list our IP space is based on a personal dispute between site owners, and is not actually tied to any spam or abuse situation.

    We will continue to work towards a resolution with the parties involved. In order to expedite a favorable outcome, we ask that you please contact your internet or email service provider and request that they re-evaluate the lists they use to filter mail. We highly recommend only using lists provided by responsible, thorough, and respected providers.


    Spam and Abuse Department

    My favorite part is the sincere and personal greeting, "Sir/Madame" Like they have no idea who I am. The other part I like is how this seems to be some private battle between, "dispute between site owners"

    Thanks for the reply If anyone else has information about this please post.
  • KennyKenny Registered Users Posts: 119 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2011
    Unfortunately, the issue that caused the AHBL to list our IP space is based on a personal dispute between site owners, and is not actually tied to any spam or abuse situation.

    This is mostly likely due to the fact that Bob Parsons, the CEO of Go Daddy, recently shot and killed an elephant, which he filmed and proudly posted on the Internet. (I'm sure Google will help if anyone wants to see the video). He shows himself posing over the dead animal, rifle in hand. A lot of people are really p*ssed at him and there is now a consensus among many users to move all their domains to another provider.

  • blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited April 11, 2011
    Kenny wrote: »
    This is mostly likely due to the fact that Bob Parsons, the CEO of Go Daddy, recently shot and killed an elephant, which he filmed and proudly posted on the Internet. (I'm sure Google will help if anyone wants to see the video). He shows himself posing over the dead animal, rifle in hand. A lot of people are really p*ssed at him and there is now a consensus among many users to move all their domains to another provider.


    And there's also a load of crap being peddled by PETA and others about the elephant issue. For an alternate take on the issue I suggest you read this

    Personally I take anything PETA say with an extremely large grain of salt.
  • KennyKenny Registered Users Posts: 119 Major grins
    edited April 11, 2011
    And there's also a load of crap being peddled by PETA and others about the elephant issue. For an alternate take on the issue I suggest you read this

    Personally I take anything PETA say with an extremely large grain of salt.

    I'm not taking one side or the other. What he did is not something I would personally do though. I was simply answering the OP's question about why he may have been having problems with his Go Daddy email / hosting. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • PDGuyonPDGuyon Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited January 11, 2012
    Move your email hosting to Google and keep your webhosting at godaddy!
    I was unable to send and email to my wife who works for a public school. I contacted the head of technology for the school district and he let me know that my IP was black listed. I did further research and this is what I discovered.
    IP Address Query Results (dnsbl): – GoDaddy – EID-1001 – Continued hosting of spam/hate sites, ignoring abuse, not enforcing terms of service / acceptable use policy
    Reason for listing:
    This host has been listed as a ‘Shoot On Sight’ IP. This means that the host has violated the AHBL’s SOS policies. The common cause of these listings are severe abuse, harassment, or other actions taken by the owner of the IP address in question against the AHBL. Please read about our policy on SOS listings here.
    Extended Reason:
    Your IP has been listed because it is being hosted by GoDaddy. GoDaddy has stated to us that they will not act on abuse or harassment by their customers, even when provided mountains of evidence and complaints. Please do not contact us about removal, as we are unable to speak with anyone besides GoDaddy’s abuse department about this issue.
    Contrary to their assertions otherwise, GoDaddy has not made any attempts to contact us or come to a resolution on any issues.
    This listing does not affect people who register domains through GoDaddy – only for domains hosted on GoDaddy.
    I will be leaving GoDaddy unless this issue is resolved. I am posting this so others might know the situation their site is in.
    Chris Gates
    Web Developer

    You can have your website hosting at GoDaddy and avoid the blacklisting problem by hosting your email through Google Apps.

    The problem is when you use ANY shared hosting service you run the risk of guilt by association.
    When you get shared hosting you share the same IP block with an unknown number of 'neighbors' if they somehow get blacklisted because of a virus or questionable activites, you can get blacklisted too.

    I register all of my domains with GoDaddy. I host my websites with Hostgator and my email is hosted with Google Apps. This gives me the flexibility to change hosting providers and keep all of my domains and email hosting in the same place.

    This way GoDaddy cannot hold a gun to my head and restrict my website hosting. Although their DNS servers do point to HostGator.

    Setting up Google Apps is pretty easy. You just have to create a CNAME record to point redirect your mail services to the Google mail servers. There are detailed instructions at the Google Apps website. This is very easy to do. Just sign up for a Google Apps account using your domain name and email. Then follow the instructions there.

    I hear complaints every week from my customers who cannot send up email. I look at their IP address and usually find they have been blacklisted.

    Hope this helps!
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