API and Statistics question

I have a question regarding SmugMug APIs.
I'm using the API to get Statistics on my galleries usage. I mainly use the "smugmug.albums.getStats" method.
My problem is that the number of hits returned for a specific Album with the API is not the same as the number of hits reported by SmugMug statistics (Control Panel, Statistics).
I also tried different version of the APIs (1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2), I always get the same value which is sometimes not the same as the value displayed in Statistics.
Any idea ?
I'm using the API to get Statistics on my galleries usage. I mainly use the "smugmug.albums.getStats" method.
My problem is that the number of hits returned for a specific Album with the API is not the same as the number of hits reported by SmugMug statistics (Control Panel, Statistics).
I also tried different version of the APIs (1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2), I always get the same value which is sometimes not the same as the value displayed in Statistics.
Any idea ?
Can you please give me a sample AlbumID so that I can check into it.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I get 9295 with APIs and 9416 with SmugMug offical Stats (not the beta one)
Thanks a lot.
ok, the discrepancy (at least for API 1.2.2) seems to be that the Original hits aren't being included in the API response (and total). I'll dig in tomorrow and try to work out why.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Anyway, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your fast and efficient help
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
But it's happening again, in another way:
When I check the "new" stats on SmugMug for an album (say album #8047354), for the month of "April" (1st april to today), I get 8+10+2 = 20 hits. This seems to be correct.
BUT, when I use the APIs (1.2.0, 1.2.1 or even 1.2.2), I always get 0. I get 0 in 1.2.2 for "Hits" but also if I do the math with every picture in the album. It's just 0!....
It's working wrong with all my albums for this month.
I've seen that it seems to be correct for the previous months (I tried march on the same album).
Don't know if the problem is "current month" only....
Help greatly appreciated.
yeah, sorry about that...i'm working with the sorcerer who has been working on stats to resolve the problems.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Any news regarding my problem, David ?
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