New Comer
I pretty much have my web site looking the way I want except for some possible minor adjustments, my problem is directing traffic to my site as Google has not seemed to index it as of yet. Have scanned through their guidelines and cannot find any logical reason for not being accepted. Any advice or feedback will be appreciated.
Thanks for your speedy response however that is (one earth images) as opposed to (one earth image). Here is the link to m y site
When I do a Google search under Nature Photographer, Wildlife Photographer or Wildlife Photographs my site is not indexed using these search terms and I cannot figure out why.
All the best
I don't see any captions on your photos.
The descriptions in your galleries are minimal.
The photos in your blog were placed there using blogger's image button; you're not doing yourself any good with that. Why not pull the images from your photo gallery with an <img src= statement? Better yet, also use an <a href= statement so if someone clicks on the photo in your blog they will be taken to your photo galleries.
Also see
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
In addition to what Denise said, your site has been registered since Sept. 2009, and you have 24 images. there is not enough there for Google to do any meaningful optimization with.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy