Mini-challenge #91 - Results

Sorry for the delay, folks. A couple days of 'paid work' has interfered with my interesting work. I know the #1 and #2 - but am working on the HMs. Results posted latest tomorrow morning my time.
Jerry in Vienna
Spreading them out on a table on Tuesday brought a few other people around who offered their opinions. Wednesday my wife offered her ideas. Then your poor judge sat down and made some decisions.
Honorable Mentions:
rteest42 "Three Quarters - third version"
I liked the theme, the fine macro detail and the lighting especially
ghinson "3.4 hour exposure in my backyard"
Wonderful theme and exposure and composition - my eye sinks towards the pole star
BigBen97 "Three Quarter Sail"
Wonderful colors and lighting
Third Runner Up: ic4u "3/4s around"
Again, the composition, lighting, a very dynamic shot, and a good fit to the theme.
Second Runner Up: Davev "3/4s of a coyote"
A wonderful shot, excellent detail, and the eyes looking directly at the camera. The picture does not feel "cropped to fit the theme" but is an excellent shot whatever the theme.
First Runner Up: SimpsonBrothers "3/4 of the wheels on the ground"
Wonderful shot and it made me laugh. How *did* he get there and did he ever get out? Theme perfect, exposure and composition excellent.
And the Winner is:
Kinkajou "Partial Ginger Cookie"
Just a wonderful shot, perfect theme, depth of field and perspective wonderful - detail and lighting excellent. [and maybe also because I'm not allowed to eat cookies any longer] (BTW, I like this horizontal version better than the slanted one she has on her web site). Congratulations, Kristin!
Well done to all the people named above, and really to everyone. I should also say that I learned a few things and got some hints at different perspectives and scenes I could try, so a personal 'thank you' to everyone who participated. Well done.
Cheers, Jerry
Congrats to the runners up and the HM
Rteest42 your very literal take on the theme was spot on.
_________ ...... Facebook
Honored to be among your runners up Jerry, thank you! Congrats to the rest of the finalists and HM's
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Congrats to all of the HMs and runners up!
Thanks, Jerry, for really making me think outside the box.
Note to self..Food ALWAYS works!!! Lol
Great, tasty shot, Kinkajou!!
"PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72hrs.
7. After the 72hrs and the winner does not show up, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact."
I'll get in contact and see what is going on.
I haven't checked the forums since about 2.30 on Friday, so I'm sorry I'm so late to respond. Fortunately for you, I've had a theme in mind for a long, long time.
Thanks for all the comments, guys. There was a great group of really interesting takes on the theme, so I bow to my fellow finalists
ETA: For the record, I submitted this shot to and the voters there didn't like it very much. My cookies have been vindicated! Hooorah! It was taken with the 50mm/1.4 in natural light (near a window).
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
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