Unable to Arrange photos in "collected" galleries
I have one main gallery that contains all of my photos.
"Collecting" photos from that gallery, I made quite a few sub-galleries of like-themed photos.
However, when I go to those subgalleries and try to arrange them, I got a note saying "Sorry, that gallery contains no photos that can be arranged."
If you create a new gallery and then fill it with photographs that you've collected from another gallery, is it not possible to then go and arrange them in the gallery that you created?
I have one main gallery that contains all of my photos.
"Collecting" photos from that gallery, I made quite a few sub-galleries of like-themed photos.
However, when I go to those subgalleries and try to arrange them, I got a note saying "Sorry, that gallery contains no photos that can be arranged."
If you create a new gallery and then fill it with photographs that you've collected from another gallery, is it not possible to then go and arrange them in the gallery that you created?
Collections can be sorted with the gallery sort function, found in the gallery settings. You can sort by file name, caption, date taken, etc. Collected photos cannot be arranged, however.
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The "Sort" function doesn't seem to work on any of my collected galleries. I get the same message: This gallery contains no photos that can be arranged (even though I've selected "sort.")
Also, are there any plans to make it so that we can arrange collected photographs in their individual galleries?
Is there any way to contol the order in which photos in collected galleries are displayed?
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This is great to know if I want to sort by date/time modified etc. Thanks for that but for galleries used for portfolios I tend to mix up the photos so that it's not a stream of one event then the next.. if that makes sense. In this instance being able to "drag" the collected" images would rock. Not sure if that's a possibility for the coding heroes or not.
"Auto sort" is not enough. Please tell me there are plans to fix this.
please visit: www.babyelephants.net
I just joined this forum to make this request; I am glad the thread is going. I would really like to use the arrange tool to re-order the images. I am using a gallery of collected images to direct people to the complete gallery.
Tickled Pixels
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Thanks to all the Smugmug Pros and enthusiasts for all the features and tips on customizing in Help and Dgrin which I have been using extensively recently, you are a great community.
Can't believe this is an actual problem. I want to use a collection to show my best work and have it displayed on my website. How can I do that if I have no control over the order?
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Hi guys and gals - anyone heard any new updates on this?
I have vacation pics in my unique directories by topic and have "collected" them into an unlisted gallery for my "vacation pics". Since i can't sort them, they are all out of order - kind of wanted to organize them before sending the link to people
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I was happy to see that SmugMug had added a method for being able to use one photo in multiple galleries. I have (had) two important uses for this feature.
1) To be able to display selected "Favorite" photos from other galleries in a prominent "Favorites" Gallery.
2) To allow me to dump photos in a date ordered hidden gallery (examp "2010") and then parse them out to visible galleries for display.
Both items eliminate the need (and confusion) of duplicate photos on the site.
To not be able to arrange photos makes the feature unusable for either purpose.
I guess it begs the question of what it could be used for?
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Most of my galleries do not lend themselves to a chronological sort (the same as file name for me). For example, I am trying to compile a series of photos describing my hike of the Thames Path. I want to put the photos in order from the Barrier to the Source not in the order that I completed the various legs (over two different years).
My need to control the order to present my story is present in most of my galleries.
In my Favorites gallery I want to control the order to give emphasis to particular photos.
I truly can't imagine many cases when the order that I took the pictures should control their placement in a gallery.
As you, I will have to rely on dupes to accomplish my goal. Not a big deal but annoying given the present state of web development.
Thank you!
Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
Is that the way it is supposed to be?
I would like to arrange the viewing order in a gallery that consists of collected photos?
However, when I click on "Tools" "Many Photos" "Arrange", I receive a message that states "Sorry, that gallery contains no photos that can be arranged."
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Happy to say this is done! Thanks all for your loyalty and patience
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please visit: www.babyelephants.net
You rock, Andy and all the Smug heroes! Much appreciated
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