
Hello all,
Not sure if this belongs here--but I don't think it belongs in the other forums either. Nikolai, please move it if you feel it needs to go.
My first post here--C&C welcome.
Not sure if this belongs here--but I don't think it belongs in the other forums either. Nikolai, please move it if you feel it needs to go.
My first post here--C&C welcome.

Liz A.
welcome to GF!
it's definitely a figures studies, so it does belong here!
(besides, I'm not a mod and couldn't move it even if I wanted to:-)
Interesting image!
Thanks Nikolai,
Remember when I first started you had an exercise for Technique called "newspaper textures" and I asked you if we needed a real newspaper?
Just trying something a little different for me.
Thanks for commenting.
IMNSHO ... this started out as a really good study. I like the pose, the skin texture, the necklace (if we could see more of it). But, then it was taken too far:
- Textures - they are the new selective coloriztion, often applied but seldom adding to the story being told. I think this image is an example of such.
- Exposure - where does the model's left shoulder end and the background begin? A lot of the texture of her skin is, likewise, blown.
The result, for me, is "Where should I focus my attention? What's the story being told here?"My Photos
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Thanks for the reply.
I shot this in very high contrast mode--this explains the blowouts--remind me not to use high contrast when I start shooting budouir style shots. I've had a couple of people ask me about them and obviously I need the practice first.
ouch--textures the new selective coloring
Here are two more shots--the first is the same shot processed a little different and cropped so the top of the necklace doesn't show.
The other is high contrast as well, but shows a little more detail on the shoulder. Truth be told I was going for the shoulder and the hollow of the neck, but blowing out the shoulder in the first shot defeated the purpose.
When/if I do another shoot, I will keep your advice in mind.
Thanks for commenting.
Just one of little thing - the pendant is not straight.
I'm on the fence about the hair on her neck and the bra strap (but I think I might keep it in the shot, I think it add more than distracts).
I think I might crop her mouth out of the shot.
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Hi Scott,
funny that the one that you like is pretty much SOOC:) I shot it in high contrast b&w while in the camera.
I tried to play with the cropping and the shot looks funny with the mouth completely cropped out--the neck looks like a funny looking stump, so while I wish I had gotten more of the mouth, cropping it out doesn't work.
Thanks for coming back to this and commenting. I really appreciate it.
Hi gecko0
I tend to go overboard with my PP work--the equivalent of a lead foot.
I'm glad it worked for you, though I know it's not for everyone.
And for me, something emotional....not easy to pull off!
I've toyed with textures some lately too, both foreground and background. They were in use at the early stages of photographys infancy, so they are not something new! ..I think they still have a place.
So, great job!
> That B&W is too DIE FOR!
THank you Tom!
So the first shot you like--although the shot itself leaves something to be desired--but it works with the treatment right? works for me
I'm glad you liked it--
btw taken infront of the bedroom window--it gets lots of light and I wanted to play with the high contrast.
Thank you D'Buggs!
I really love how the shape and the hollows on the clavicle and the neck stand out--It's a sort of body scape of the neck area I guess.
I'll be sure to pay attention to such details in the future.
Also, I would keep the strap
As far as I am concerned, this would have been fine in People too, btw.
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