Self fulfilment of photos

Is SmugMug any closer to allowing Pro's to use the built in shopping cart, receive an order from the customer, and fulfil it how ever and with whom ever they want. Still allowing coupons and packages would be great and adding on the ability to use paypal at the checkout would also be a plus.
I am leaning towards switching to as their carts allow for self fulfilment, paypal, and digital downloads. The process is a little different but they don't take 15% of every sale, it allows me the choice of delivering the pictures myself.
I use Bayphoto for my prints and although most of the time the prints are fine, I have had some issues where the prints were correct. ie. too dark and I had missings cards, and text not printed correctly. So I would like to see the prints before they are delivered.
So far I have been very happy with smugmug but I would like to have a little more freedom with my shopping cart/prints
Chuck Perkins
I am leaning towards switching to as their carts allow for self fulfilment, paypal, and digital downloads. The process is a little different but they don't take 15% of every sale, it allows me the choice of delivering the pictures myself.
I use Bayphoto for my prints and although most of the time the prints are fine, I have had some issues where the prints were correct. ie. too dark and I had missings cards, and text not printed correctly. So I would like to see the prints before they are delivered.
So far I have been very happy with smugmug but I would like to have a little more freedom with my shopping cart/prints
Chuck Perkins
Chuck Perkins
Canon 7D, XSi, 17-55 2.8IS, 70-200 2.8, 50 1.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 18-55 Kit Lens, 580,430, Alien Bee Studio Lights
Canon 7D, XSi, 17-55 2.8IS, 70-200 2.8, 50 1.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 18-55 Kit Lens, 580,430, Alien Bee Studio Lights
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Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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With self fulfillment, things could get messy because Smugmug will charge the customer's card and credit your account (assuming you've help up your end of the bargain), but they have no idea if you actually fulfilled the goods to the customer's satisfaction. So, when the customer complains, Smugmug has to end up in the middle of trying to resolve that dispute. It's a similar problem that paypal has - and we all know how well paypal dispute resolutions work. It's a big mess.
I hear that people want this and I hope Smugmug figures out a decent way to offer it, but I also wanted folks to appreciate that it isn't easy to do right where everyone stays happy and it's not a huge amount of overhead for Smugmug.
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I'm not sure its the wisest thing for SM to stay in the middle of a self-fulfillment transaction. I think an alternate (PayPal, Google checkout) form of payment would be a requirement since they (SM) have no control over the printing and delivery.
It would be nice to see, but I can definitely see some not insignificant business hurdles.
I'd also worry that paypal and Google checkout are perhaps not what the majority of buyers want. I know a lot of people who buy on the web with credit cards, but do not do paypal, either because it has a suspect reputation or because they just aren't that advanced.
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Exposure Manager makes it so easy to do this it is the reason they get all of my sports work. I can easily add borders, self-fulfill items to customers and have the option of using my available sales balance to pay for it....come one SM, it's not that hard..
How does EM deal with guarantees and returns when it comes to self fulfillment? Do customers know they are ordering direct from the photographer and not through a lab?
A couple of ways. I can use EM to process my photos in self-fulfillment and it's 100% satisfaction applies. I use WHCC for some self-fulfillment and they also have the same policy.
In addition to that I offer the same thing. I really don't want a customer thinking they got "okay stuff"..
What self-fulfillment really does for me is allow me to "surprise" my best customers with gifts. I may find an image in a gallery that they didn't buy but that I really like. I may apply an event logo, or crop in close and send them a gift without any notice. I can't tell you how far that goes in building a long lasting relationship rather than a sale..
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Not if you want to include the prints in the same order.
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I love the way SmugMug looks, my customers love the interface and frankly I like the way my galleries look on SM better than on EM...
The customization on SM is great whereas EM still as that Soviet Agricultural look to its site but that may also be due to my lack of html knowledge.
In the end I'd love to be able to do on SM that I can on EM..both have great support, offer great service and products but EM allows me to process and control my images a little better..and that's what I need..