I could use some recommendations
Hello all.
I have a Dell 17" wide-screen laptop--probably one of the first of it's kind--6 years old, at least. I did have the foresight to upgrade it to 2 GB of ram, but it has a Penium 2 processor, and and 80 gb HDD. And, because i didn't know any better, I have gone through 2 batteries, although because of the recall a couple of years ago, I got the second one for free.
This machine is my desktop replacement. I used to schlep it to some clients to show my photographs, or to work at the library but mostly it is tethered to my desk, and is on "life support." I have a Dell Ultrasharp 19" monitor, a keyboard, a wireless mouse, a large photo printer (up to 13x19), and two external HDDs hooked up to it. Windows XP Home runs on it, and I use Paint Shop Pro, and am going to try out Lightroom as soon as I upgrade.
I routinely use both a Canon Powershot A1000 (10 mp) and a Sony A700 (12 mp) camera.
I had an iPod, which I gave to my daughter because I have some visual limitation and I cannot read almost anything on it.
So, at this point, I need to accomplish two things.
1- I need to replace my laptop with either another laptop or a tower pc (generally cheaper than laptops) and I am now willing, based on everything I have read here and from other sources, to upgrade from XP to W7.
2-I need a small, fairly light notebook or netbook to use for accessing the web, some word processing, doing some photo editing on the go, and for displaying my work to people, so I don't have to schlep either a heavy laptop or large portions of my portfolio with me. I print my photos as note cards and post cards, and have them selling in shops throughout town. So I like to pop in (or make an appointment) regularly to update people on my latest work to try to increase sales.
While doing all of this (and it's a lot), I would love to upgrade my monitor to one that is at least as good but wide screen, so when I am working at home, because I need to increase the type size to read things, I am able to have more space avaliable on my screen.
btw, I would like to do all this as economically as possible. I am aiming toward some where between $1000 and $1500 for the notebook/netbook and tower combined. The monitor I know might be extra. If anyone can steer me to a really nice monitor for photo editing I would really appreciate it. I am visually impaired so I may not be a finicky as some people but I also want to be able to rely on the accuracy of the monitor because I cannot necessarily see things accurately myself.
Long post, but thank you for any suggestions.
I have a Dell 17" wide-screen laptop--probably one of the first of it's kind--6 years old, at least. I did have the foresight to upgrade it to 2 GB of ram, but it has a Penium 2 processor, and and 80 gb HDD. And, because i didn't know any better, I have gone through 2 batteries, although because of the recall a couple of years ago, I got the second one for free.
This machine is my desktop replacement. I used to schlep it to some clients to show my photographs, or to work at the library but mostly it is tethered to my desk, and is on "life support." I have a Dell Ultrasharp 19" monitor, a keyboard, a wireless mouse, a large photo printer (up to 13x19), and two external HDDs hooked up to it. Windows XP Home runs on it, and I use Paint Shop Pro, and am going to try out Lightroom as soon as I upgrade.
I routinely use both a Canon Powershot A1000 (10 mp) and a Sony A700 (12 mp) camera.
I had an iPod, which I gave to my daughter because I have some visual limitation and I cannot read almost anything on it.
So, at this point, I need to accomplish two things.
1- I need to replace my laptop with either another laptop or a tower pc (generally cheaper than laptops) and I am now willing, based on everything I have read here and from other sources, to upgrade from XP to W7.
2-I need a small, fairly light notebook or netbook to use for accessing the web, some word processing, doing some photo editing on the go, and for displaying my work to people, so I don't have to schlep either a heavy laptop or large portions of my portfolio with me. I print my photos as note cards and post cards, and have them selling in shops throughout town. So I like to pop in (or make an appointment) regularly to update people on my latest work to try to increase sales.
While doing all of this (and it's a lot), I would love to upgrade my monitor to one that is at least as good but wide screen, so when I am working at home, because I need to increase the type size to read things, I am able to have more space avaliable on my screen.
btw, I would like to do all this as economically as possible. I am aiming toward some where between $1000 and $1500 for the notebook/netbook and tower combined. The monitor I know might be extra. If anyone can steer me to a really nice monitor for photo editing I would really appreciate it. I am visually impaired so I may not be a finicky as some people but I also want to be able to rely on the accuracy of the monitor because I cannot necessarily see things accurately myself.
Long post, but thank you for any suggestions.
Fine Photographic Prints & Notecards with Local Color
First - with the Sony A700 (same body I use) you have the option to capture JPEG's in AdobeRGB mode or extract an image from a RAW file in the AdobeRGB color space. If you use AdobeRGB you really should look to a wide gamut monitor but those will run you about $500-600 for a 24 inch.
I'd like to point out a monitor to you as it is a limited time opportunity.
Dell is discontinuing their 2709W which is a 27" 1920x1200 resolution LCD. Fonts on this monitor will be physically a little larger and easier to read than a similar font on a 24 inch 1920x1200 resolution monitor. There should be some very good pricing on this monitor in the near future - MSRP ~ $950
The 2709W is a wide gamut monitor. If you don't use AdobeRGB I'd stay away as wide gamut can be problematic for people as images will look over-saturated in the reds and greens when viewed using non-color managed software like IE8 or Picassa, etc.
I suspect you are using sRGB like most people. In that case I suggest you consider the Dell 2209WA 22 inch widescreen 16:10 ratio which has a 1680x1050 resolution and an excellent e-IPS TFT LCD panel (top quality viewing angles and color fidelity).
Again, due the 1680x1050 resolution the font size should be a bit better for you than some of the newer monitors that offer 23 inch and 1920x1080 resolution or 24 inchers at 1920x1200.
You can reduce your resolution to another 16:10 setting such as 1440x900 or 1280x800 but be aware that LCD's look their best at their native resolution (1680x1050 for the Dell 2209WA). Lowering the resolution takes the sharpness off edges and sometimes results in stair stepping on curved edges (which can be seen by sharp eyed types) - but these are only as shown on the display, would not affect any saves you make to the file.
The Dell 2209WA is on sale atm ($259) but I have seen it offered for $208 CAD in Canada recently and I've read several comments in other forums of people calling a USA Dell rep and negotiating a price of $220 USD.
I'm thinking if you buy a system from Dell you should be able to leverage that to get this monitor price but you will have to phone in rather than place an order online.