What to charge?
I have a customer who asked me to take pictures of her daughter. She needs them for a teen modeling agency. I have never sold images on a CD. They need digital. I have 45 images from the shoot. I figure that I have 5 hours involved in the taking and editing. The young lady had several blemishes and patches of dry skin. What should I charge?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
You have to determine how much your gear costs, your insurance costs, your computer costs, your software costs and an hourly rate. All your overhead for a one year period. So you might have to do a budget. Then after you figure out your real costs then you figure out how much to charge based on real expenses. You then figure out a daily/hourly/weekly rate without product. You also have to account for things like telephone, supplies, and then costs plus markup.
The problem with most photographers is that they don't know how to do this so they pull a number out of a hat based on what someone else is charging. But if you do that - you will most likely be undercharging. You don't sell paper. You sell a service where the product cost is a minimal part of the total you charge.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks! Have a great day!
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Ask your customer what she thinks is fair and sell them to her for that, especially if customer really means a friend.
Next time agree on a price up front.
I do stuff like that for free and chalk it up to marketing expenses, you will get more value from her telling people about how great you are than you will for the actual small amount of work you did on this.
If you feel you must... charge her $50 or $100.
My main concern is that they are friends. But LOTS of their family are my customers. Many of whom I have refused to sell digital images to. I have given a few for FB profiles and such. I understand the need for digital images in this case. (they are doing a bidding on some modeling jobs)
But, I am the only photog in my area who doesn't sell CD's. (And I have a good thing going right now.)
Thank you so much for giving me your thoughts.
My comment of Aus/USD/Pesos etc was actually tongue in cheek.
But, you are correct in your answer. No two photographers are every going to have the same price. There are too many factors in setting up a pricing model. As an accountant, however, I can answer this question.
We really as photographers have a bigger problem in what to charge and we need to educate those who charge for the cost of paper and leave out the cost of overhead and profit because if we do not do that - in a generation, the role of professional photographer will go away and be made obsolete. It will be impossible to stay in business when competing with people who are giving their photography away without understanding what thier cost is and determining what their actual price should be.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Yes at the rate things are going it will be very difficult for more than one or two photographers who are actually providing a quality product to make a go of it in the average market.
In my market, my biggest problem ove the years was the wally world, seers ansd such studios and their 400 prints for 4.99.........last night while watching a little tele i was knocked out of my chair by a new ad for a Portrait Studio......Portrait Innovations......supposedly state of the Art all digital and a package of around 40 prints for 9.95.........all done by Professional photogs.........it is going to kill us.......another chain studio......and one of their claims is that "We always shoot handheld so we can get that perfect angle and perfect focus every single time".........and I almost forgot......."You don't have to wait 15 days for your portraits they will be ready in 15 minutes"..........
Page with the Ad I saw...............just press play video.
If you thought that my question was so stupid and such a waste of time then why did you even bother to waste your time and bandwidth responding.
I don't think anyone thinks your questions are without merit. It's not yes or no question - there are many factors and opinions about price. I think that there has been very civil discussion regarding your question and none of it on this thread has been questioning you at all.
Editing to add that I did go to your website and looked at your print prices and you have priced your prints barely above cost. You need to figure out your cost of equipment and your time at a living wage in there.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.