Sell DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Packages - HUH? What did you say?

OK here's my question... Regarding Digital Download Only
My site -
I take aerial photographs of events (most recently, Bike Week 2010 in Daytona Beach). I then sell those photographs to the vendors that were set up all over the county and also organizers so they can see what the even looked like, what the crowds were like and such.
I know I can sell the photographs individually, but there is no way so far to sell DIGITAL DOWNLOADS in packages.
I would like to be able to offer the images at such a price individually, that customers would see the value in just purchasing the package that had all the photographs for just their location, etc. And also some would of course like to have just a few photographs.
If I had my wish, I would be able to sell Digital Download of INDIVIDUAL GALLERIES, setting the price accordingly so SM could get their cut.
Any ideas?
How do I put this capability on a "wish list". Also does anyone have any slick ideas how I can do it with what is available?
I could link to a page off of SM for customers to purchase after viewing them in the galleries, but that's no good because SM would not be enjoying their commission (SM is not non
Any ideas?
My site -
I take aerial photographs of events (most recently, Bike Week 2010 in Daytona Beach). I then sell those photographs to the vendors that were set up all over the county and also organizers so they can see what the even looked like, what the crowds were like and such.
I know I can sell the photographs individually, but there is no way so far to sell DIGITAL DOWNLOADS in packages.
I would like to be able to offer the images at such a price individually, that customers would see the value in just purchasing the package that had all the photographs for just their location, etc. And also some would of course like to have just a few photographs.
If I had my wish, I would be able to sell Digital Download of INDIVIDUAL GALLERIES, setting the price accordingly so SM could get their cut.
Any ideas?
How do I put this capability on a "wish list". Also does anyone have any slick ideas how I can do it with what is available?
I could link to a page off of SM for customers to purchase after viewing them in the galleries, but that's no good because SM would not be enjoying their commission (SM is not non
Any ideas?
Second of all, the first gallery I looked at had 147 images. Since Smugmug offers no way of downloading all 147 images at once and you don't want to tell the client that they have to go download 147 images individually in order to get what they paid for, it seems like you have no choice, but to supply the 147 images outside of Smugmug.
At that point, you can either send them a CD/DVD or make a zip file of images available on some other site.
So, then the question is how should they order it and pay for it. You have a couple of choices. Since this doesn't look like a high transaction sales volume, you could just tell them to contact you directly via email and they can place their order via email with you and you'd work out payment then (paypal or check or whatever forms of payment you are prepared to accept).
Or, you could put a PayPal or Google Checkout or Amazon Payments button into each Smugmug gallery where you offer this sale and they could order and pay right from the Smugmug gallery. No matter which way they order, you'd then either send them a CD/DVD or direct them to a normally hidden link on an external site where they could download a ZIP file of all the images. In the PayPal button (or whatever system you implement in your page), you'd explain how it works so they would know what to expect when contemplating an order or when ordering.
Since Smugmug isn't set up to accept payment for self-fulfilled items like this and isn't set up to fulfill a whole album of digital downloads with one download, there's really no way to run it through Smugmug and really no incentive for you to do so (since they take a cut without offering the full solution).
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I have read thru all I could find regarding PAYPAL BUTTONS here on dgrin. I thimnk I understand it quite well, but just need to know WHERE to place the code. Here's my question(s)
1. On this page and all others (the Gallery page) I would like to put a PayPal Button and the text that reads :Buy All 147 images for $whtever price
Also next to each of the galleries
Any hints as to where to put the button code?
Warm regards,