
I have recently changed computers from XP to Windows 7. In XP when I right clicked on an image, in the list I had 'Exif' I don't see that anymore when I right click on an image in Windows 7. I know if I go to the bottom of the list and click on 'Properties' and then 'Detail' I can get an exif. If anyone can tell me how I can go about getting Exif back in the list I would appreciate it.
You must have loaded some utility in Windows to give you this function, as EXIF is NOT built into XP, I have checked three machines here, one from work and two of mine at home, and none of them have any EXIF function when right clicking a photo
Yes I probably did but to be honest I can't remember. I have checked my old XP and it is definately there.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
At the moment I just can't think how to make it appear. But I must say it was extremely useful.
Could the same thing have happened to you
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I have also downloaded 3.6.2 although I never got a message of any kind relating to Exif but I am sure you could be right. As I have said one can go into Preferences and Detail and it is there.
Do yourself a favor and install PhotoME. It's free:
It will add an entry to your Explorer context menu and optionally install plugins for Internet Explorer and Firefox so you can view the EXIF data there too. In addition, PhotoME has a very nice user interface, excellent Maker Notes smarts, is fully GPS aware and integrates nicely with Google Maps and Google Earth, and tons more.
Every photographer needs this excellent tool and it's a delight to use.
I also updated my Firefox and lost my Exif Viewer functionality as a result. I just looked at PhotoME. Since I don't run parallel programming on my MAC I assume it won't work for me. But, it raises a question - it is an Exif data editor? Does that mean it would let someone edit someone else's metadata? I hope not.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Merci beaucoup!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Thanks Malch for the link and you to Chuck for yours. I have downloaded PhotoMe and it sure does give you all the information one requires.
Glad someone had the cajones to try it ;-)
Here's a tip that will reveal a feature that might otherwise take a while to find. At the top left of the PhotoME window (next to File Menu) click the magnifying glass.
Now, at the bottom of the PhotoME window, locate the "Find" box. Enter some partial term like "lens" or "apertu"...
Neat, eh?