Star Filter Pro - I LOVE it.

I just tried the new Star Filter Pro from ProDigital Software and man is it a blast to use. The effect is fantastic and can really enhance so many photos. Tailor made for wedding photographers.
You can check out a free trial here:
Here is an example of what I did with the filter.
You can check out a free trial here:
Here is an example of what I did with the filter.

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I think so too.
< Sarcasm >
So, very, very cool. Just like the 80s with Cokin all over again. Can't wait to see it everywhere. Can we put the bride and groom inside the wedding bouquet and star the reflection on their wedding bands too please?
< /s >
Sorry. Obviously does what it's supposed to do, but it's not to my liking. I think it will quickly become overdone. I have some old concert shots of big name stars from the early 80s done with a Cokin star, and I wish now that they weren't starred. Of course, this being a digital effect, I guess it can always be easily turned off; so that's an advantage. But I wouldn't pay $90 for it.
$90 is just about what I paid for my last Pro Series 80 something mm glass star the price is not bad, plus it is a tax deduction for the real pros.........
If it were a glass star filter it would have the same streak path as the tiny wires would run completely across the filter............but at least with a digital star effect you ahve the choice, i am guessing, to control the size of the star...........I used to love my rainbow colored stars................
and yes as soon as all the other photogs in my area started doing the same thing I quit and sent to a new look.....the 6pt rainbow star
In the old analog days, this effect is what we hoped to avoid. Like grain filters for digital today. I don’t get it. We strived for grain free film. Now that we have digital, lacking grain, people want to add it. Odd. But again, in moderation I’m OK with it. Problem is, moderation is usually not seen.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I agree.