Using 1.2 api - Do I have to have site password to get information?

I wrote code to
call smugmug.login.anonymously and get a session id.
Then call smugmug.images.get which calls for:
SessionID - string.
AlbumID - integer.
Heavy - boolean (optional).
Password - string (optional).
SitePassword - string (optional).
AlbumKey - string.
I supply the SessionID, AlbumID,Password and AlbumKey.
The password is needed because the album is password protected.
I get an error:
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><rsp stat=\"fail\"><err code=\"4\" msg=\"invalid user (missing/incorrect site password)\" /></rsp>"
I didn't supply a site password! Why is one needed? The documentation states that it is optional! When one accesses the album through the smugmug website a site password isn't needed. Why is one needed here?
When I add the site password the call is successful, but I shouldn't have to supply it. I don't want to give the password away when I don't have to.
Can someone help me here?
call smugmug.login.anonymously and get a session id.
Then call smugmug.images.get which calls for:
SessionID - string.
AlbumID - integer.
Heavy - boolean (optional).
Password - string (optional).
SitePassword - string (optional).
AlbumKey - string.
I supply the SessionID, AlbumID,Password and AlbumKey.
The password is needed because the album is password protected.
I get an error:
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><rsp stat=\"fail\"><err code=\"4\" msg=\"invalid user (missing/incorrect site password)\" /></rsp>"
I didn't supply a site password! Why is one needed? The documentation states that it is optional! When one accesses the album through the smugmug website a site password isn't needed. Why is one needed here?
When I add the site password the call is successful, but I shouldn't have to supply it. I don't want to give the password away when I don't have to.
Can someone help me here?
Does that make sense ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
This use to work, but now it doesn't seem too:
I use the api to log in as the owner. That works and I get the sessionid.
I then pass the sessionid to:"
An error is returned:
"SmugMug Error calling smugmug.albums.get: invalid user (missing SitePassword parameter)"
Yes, there is a site password, but why do I need to supply it if I logged in as owner?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
OK, what is a _su cookie and where is there information about this?
Or, do I need to be sending it over https?
Or more generally, how important is it to use https over http when using the smugmug api?
Any help available?
The su_ cookie is recent addition to assist in the prevention of sidejacking attacks. It is returned from smugmug.login.withPassword or smugmug.login.withHash requests.
After logging in, if you want subsequent calls over https this cookie needs to be present....otherwise the request will be treated as an anonymous request.
SmugMug API Developer
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