Another Smugmug site, where do I enter coupon code?

My partner and I are starting a seperate smugmug site up for our combined wedding photography... I told him to sign up for the pro account but he did the power account... I see where to go to upgrade, but I dont see where to enter a coupon code?
Help me out please
Help me out please

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Canon Rebel T1i | Canon 50mm 1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 | Canon 75-300mm EF f 4.5 III | Opteka Grip | Canon 580exII | 2 Vivitar 383 Flash's and a home studio setup.
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Thanks Andy you guys are the best!.... He's a zenfolio transplant lol maybe once he sees how sweet smugmug is he'll move his personal page to smugmug to.
My Site
Canon Rebel T1i | Canon 50mm 1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 | Canon 75-300mm EF f 4.5 III | Opteka Grip | Canon 580exII | 2 Vivitar 383 Flash's and a home studio setup.