I haven't found a good location for my first idea so I spent some time on my second idea.:scratch I am rather pleased with the out come but might play with positioning the pieces differently. Thoughts?
Game On!
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— Kevin
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I like the concept & the dof but I'm not getting a strong sense of the theme from this one. You might want to try one with the king laid down in the background and call it something like "check mate".
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
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??? maybe
And one with a deeper DOF.
I also played with "Game On" with a slightly different angle and piece positioning.
Original "Game On"
Thanks for looking!
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I guess checkmate is the end, but I find the step of the opening pawn to be more evocative of a beginning, than the check mate of the end. I guess for check mate I'd want to see the check mate, without having the opponent resign. But then, the viewer would have to understand that you're at the endgame.
I don't know which shot to go with because they are all incredible. LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea! EXCELLENT!!!
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And I like the shallow DOF.
Because the pieces are so interesting, I think you would 'get' that it's an opening move from a different perspective. Maybe from slightly above and showing the pawn line with the first move made.
I love the drama of the lighted piece with the dark background.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams