They're back :-)

Hello All,
It's been awhile since I posted any bird pics. I was up the peninsula shooting some buildings and as I was coming home I noticed some large white birds landing in the wetlands to the East. So I cut across 3 lanes of traffic (Hey!! I'm drivin' here :lol3 ) and got off at San Antonio Rd. This is the exit just before (or after depending on the direction you are traveling) the famous Baylands exit
There's some parking and lots of trails at the end of the road. I attached the Bigma and went hunting for what I thought were White Pelicans. After seeing lots of juvenile herons/egrets around the marshes I found what I was looking for. Oddles of them.

As I stood there watching them, groups were taking off and landing so I was able to get some decent BIF's too :clap The lighting was tough (mid-day) but the shots came out OK, I think :dunno

Just thought I'd share figuring that some of the other Bay Area birders might want to get up there to shoot these guys before they're gone again.
Comments, criticisms always welcome :thumb
It's been awhile since I posted any bird pics. I was up the peninsula shooting some buildings and as I was coming home I noticed some large white birds landing in the wetlands to the East. So I cut across 3 lanes of traffic (Hey!! I'm drivin' here :lol3 ) and got off at San Antonio Rd. This is the exit just before (or after depending on the direction you are traveling) the famous Baylands exit

As I stood there watching them, groups were taking off and landing so I was able to get some decent BIF's too :clap The lighting was tough (mid-day) but the shots came out OK, I think :dunno

Just thought I'd share figuring that some of the other Bay Area birders might want to get up there to shoot these guys before they're gone again.
Comments, criticisms always welcome :thumb
SmugMug Support Hero
Happy to see shootin them birdies again, but ya never really stopped did you ??
Peli BIF outstanding
My Galleries
I think pelicans are pretty amazing birds. I was boating with a friend in Utah this spring and we couldn't figure out what the large objects were, floating on the water in the distance. Later we got closer - Pelicans!
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm still trying to catch my first bird in flight. It shouldn't be long until the ducks & birdie migrating to AZ.
It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Rayna and I had to go to Palo Alto Fry's to return something that didn't seem to work on her computer, and I told her we had to go see the white pelicans.
We were both excited, because previously we'd only see them through a fence on the Hayward side of the San Mateo bridge at 70 mph!
What a feast of pelicans! And the other birds too -- and I got my very first dragonfly!!!! I was so excited, but it was so HOT... we're planning to go again, this time with the movie camera.
Thanks, you're the best... and that BIF -- to die for!
**looks for a large can of white spray paint**
Well done.
"Osprey Whisperer"
The second shot (below) is really terrific! How did you adjust exposure for the bright light?
Just thought I'd share figuring that some of the other Bay Area birders might want to get up there to shoot these guys before they're gone again.
Comments, criticisms always welcome
Yep, you know me too well
Thanks for looking,
I agree that pelicans are a blast to see and shoot. Usually we get lots of the brown ones by the ocean. They aren't as beautiful, but when they fold their wings and dive after a fish it makes for a really kewl shot
If you get a chance to shoot some, you should try to take advantage. They are large enough so you don't have to get too close and their antics are usually funny to watch
Thanks for your comments,
I am sorry, I have not been monitoring and responding as much as I would like, and I hadn't seen this until now. Am glad I didn't miss it. Am going out of town, oh, hum. Have to get ready, but I did want to say.
Nice shooting!
I would have rather shoot these guys later in the day, but once you see them you better shoot them. Because they could be gone by evening
Loved your golf pics, even though I didn't have time to leave a comment
See ya next month,
BIF's are tough to nail when you first try, but once you put in enough practice it gets much easier
Thanks for the comments and good luck with your future BIFs,
I pray you're almost physically ready to get back out to the wetlands
J/K buddy, and I hope everything is going OK for you and Linda
Thanks for the comments,
Glad they were still there for you and Rayna. Plus you guys got dragonflies too
I checked out your shots and will comment in that thread. I was happy to be able to turn a fellow Dgrinner on to a good shooting spot
I feel so sorry for you guys
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment,