What should I do?

Recently I have found myself in a dilemma. I'm hoping for some advice.
For the last few months I have suspected my gf of having an affair.
All the usual clues were there, coming home late from work all the time, always on the computer, always going out with "friends", strange numbers on her cell phone. I answer the phone and the person on the other end hangs up...
I couldn't take it any more, so last nite a few minutes after she left I hopped in my car and followed her to an old house on the other side of town. I got out of my car and watched her. When she got to the door, she suddenly turned around. I ducked down behind my car and grabbed my camera to get some solid proof. It was then that I noticed that there was some dust in the viewfinder on my 10D and it's driving me nuts. What should I do??? Should I blow it out with a can of air or send it in to canon? Help!!!!
When I saw this originally it had to do about cars but I figured I'd tweak it for this forum.:D
For the last few months I have suspected my gf of having an affair.
All the usual clues were there, coming home late from work all the time, always on the computer, always going out with "friends", strange numbers on her cell phone. I answer the phone and the person on the other end hangs up...
I couldn't take it any more, so last nite a few minutes after she left I hopped in my car and followed her to an old house on the other side of town. I got out of my car and watched her. When she got to the door, she suddenly turned around. I ducked down behind my car and grabbed my camera to get some solid proof. It was then that I noticed that there was some dust in the viewfinder on my 10D and it's driving me nuts. What should I do??? Should I blow it out with a can of air or send it in to canon? Help!!!!
When I saw this originally it had to do about cars but I figured I'd tweak it for this forum.:D
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
Oh, and on the girl friend, act like a man, take that silly feminine ear decoration out, and she won't be cheating on you.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com