Help Uploading
I am having issues.
Im an event photographer and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to upload categories.
Say my main category is "HORSE SHOWS"
in that category I have "SB Dressage Show" now in that category I need to have the photos organized by RIDER NUMBER but I can't even upload an individual folder under that and IM getting so mad..
If it's really going to be this big a hassle to upload 1000+ pictures I am not even going to switch..
Im an event photographer and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to upload categories.
Say my main category is "HORSE SHOWS"
in that category I have "SB Dressage Show" now in that category I need to have the photos organized by RIDER NUMBER but I can't even upload an individual folder under that and IM getting so mad..
If it's really going to be this big a hassle to upload 1000+ pictures I am not even going to switch..
Mystical Photography
So, we organize the site the following way:
Category > Subcategory > Gallery > Photo
So you would have
Category=Horse Shows
Subcategory 1 = SB Dressage Shows
and within each subcategory you can make as many galleries with as many photos in each as you want.
You create categories and subcategories from your control panel customize tab, and then when you create a new gallery, you assign it to the proper category and subcategory at that time.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
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